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Article 56

Article 56


1. The Community and Russia shall foster economic cooperation of wide scope in order to contribute to the expansion of their respective economies, to the creation of a supportive international economic environment and to the integration between Russia and a wider area of cooperation in Europe. Such cooperation shall strengthen and develop economic links to the benefit of both Parties.

2. Policies and other measures of the Parties related to this Title shall in particular be designed to bring about economic and social reforms and restructuring in Russia and shall be guided by the requirements of sustainability and harmonious social development; they shall also fully incorporate environmental considerations.

3. The cooperation shall, inter alia, cover:

- development of their respective industries and transport,

- exploration of new sources of supply and of new markets,

- encouragement of technological and scientific progress,

- encouragement of a stable social and human resources development and of local employment development,

- promotion of the regional cooperation with the aim of its harmonious and sustainable development.

4. The Parties consider it essential that, alongside with establishing a relationship of partnership and cooperation with each other, they maintain and develop cooperation with other European States and with the other countries of the former USSR with a view to a harmonious development of the region and shall make every effort to encourage this process.

5. As far as applicable economic and other forms of cooperation provided for in this Agreement may be supported by the Community on the basis of the relevant Council Regulations on technical assistance to the countries of the former USSR, taking into account the priorities agreed upon by the Parties. Support may also be provided through such other relevant Community instruments as may be available.

Special attention shall be devoted by the Parties to measures capable of fostering cooperation with the other countries of the former USSR.

6. The provisions of this Title shall not affect the enforcement of the Parties' competition rules and of the specific competition provisions of this Agreement applicable to undertakings.