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Article 14

Article 14


The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally authoritative.

The foregoing is the authentic text of the Convention duly adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation during its Seventy-fourth Session which was held at Geneva and declared closed the ninth day of October 1987.


IN FAITH WHEREOF we have appended our signatures this sixteenth day of October 1987.


The text of the Convention as here   Le texte de la convention  presentee
presented is a true  copy  of  the   ici est une copie  exacte  du  texte
text    authenticated       by the   authentique par  les  signatures  du
signatures of the President of the   President    de    la     Conference
International  Labour   Conference   internationale  du  Travail    et du
and of the Director-General of the   Directeur    general    du    Bureau
International Labour Office.         international du Travail.


Certified true and complete copy,
Copie certifiee conforme et complete,


                                    For  the  Director-General  of   the
                                    International Labour Office:
                                    Pour le Directeur general du  Bureau
                                    international du Travail:
                                    Certified true and complete copy
                                    For  the  Director-General  of   the
                                    International Labour Office:


                                    Loic PICARD
                                    Legal Adviser of  the  International
                                    Labour Office