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2.14 Model agreement on the institution of a transfrontier school curriculum

2.14 Model agreement on the institution of
a transfrontier school curriculum


The purpose of this highly original model agreement is to institute intensive co-operation between the school authorities on each side of a frontier, in order to set up, with the assistance of the territorial communities or authorities, transfrontier classes in which children originating from either side of the frontier attend school together. These classes will take place at the existing schools, without any new school being created, through a simple redistribution of resources and an exchange of staff. The local communities and authorities will participate directly in this form of co-operation as a driving force, contributing additional assistance (for instance, funding for school transport or specific indemnities), and as a partner in the intercultural and bilingual approach to teaching programmes.

This type of agreement will therefore be concluded between school authorities and the competent local authorities on each side of a frontier.