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Article 2 (Fields of Activity)

Article 2 (Fields of Activity)


1 The Contracting Parties shall regularly measure the water level, speed and quality of the river .....; they shall produce regularly land maps of the river, its linked waters and the surrounding area of up to ..... kilometres from the river banks*(35); such maps indicating the land use, the use of the river and linked waters, and the water and land quality.

2 The Contracting Parties shall provide [the Joint Committee/each other at the Consultative Meetings] with any information relevant to the use and management of the river ......., and especially the following:

a up-dated land maps of the territories specified in paragraph (1) of this Article;

b major planned or undertaken construction work (or such work which is in progress at the time of entry into force of this agreement), or changes in the land use, which might affect the flow of the river or linked waters, its traffic, its usability (in particular its navigability) or its water quality;

c the average introduction of substances into the river emanating from their territory according to direct or implied permissions granted by an authority as well as any known but unauthorised introductions;

d major diversions of river water.

3 The [Joint Committee/Contracting Parties at their Consultative Meetings] shall formulate guidelines for the use or non-use of the river ....... and the territories specified in paragraph (1) of this Article, as far as such use or non-use might affect the flow of the river or linked waters, its traffic, its usability (in particular its navigability) or its water quality. Such guidelines shall not be legally binding, but shall be taken into account by the Contracting Parties when exercising their discretion.

4 The [Joint Committee/Contracting Parties at their Consultative Meetings] may, after having agreed on the financial terms by unanimous vote, commission studies or undertake positive action concerning the flow of the river ......., its traffic, its usability (in particular its navigability) or its water quality. If a unanimous vote on the financial terms cannot be reached, individual Contracting Parties can agree to realize the activity in question.