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Article 2

Article 2


Cooperation shall involve the following topics:

(a) Reactor safety research

Review and analysis of safety issues and particularly the impact of reactor safety on nuclear power development; identification of appropriate techniques to improve reactor safety through research and development and evaluation studies on nuclear reactors in operation and planned.

(b) Radiation protection

Research, regulatory aspects, development of safety standards, personnel training and education, particular attention shall be paid to low-dose effects, industrial exposures and post-accident management.

(c) Nuclear waste management

Assessment and optimisation of geological disposal, and scientific aspects of the management of long-lived waste.

(d) Decommissioning, decontamination and dismantling of nuclear installations

Strategies for decommissioning and dismantling nuclear installations, including radiological aspects.

(e) Research and development on accountancy and control of nuclear material

Development and evaluation of nuclear material measurement techniques and characterisation of reference materials for accountancy and control activities and improvement of the systems of accounting for and control of nuclear materials.