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Article 18 - Requests for information on banking transactions

Article 18 - Requests for information on banking transactions


1 On request by another Party, the requested Party shall provide the particulars of specified bank accounts and of banking operations which have been carried out during a specified period through one or more accounts specified in the request, including the particulars of any sending or recipient account.

2 The obligation set out in this article shall apply only to the extent that the information is in the possession of the bank holding the account.

3In addition to the requirements of Article 37, the requesting Party shall in its request indicate why it considers the requested information relevant for the purpose of the criminal investigation into the offence.

4 The requested Party may make the execution of such a request dependant on the same conditions as it applies in respect of requests for search and seizure.

5 Parties may extend this provision to accounts held in non-bank financial institutions. Such extension may be made subject to the principle of reciprocity.