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Article 13 - Implementation of the Protocol

Article 13 - Implementation of the Protocol


1 The Parties shall take such legislative, administrative or other measures as are appropriate to ensure that the provisions of Part I are implemented.

2 In order to facilitate implementation of this Protocol, an appendix will provide the more detailed, but optional provisions for the establishment and operation of ECGs. The Parties wishing to introduce into their national law all or part of the provisions of the appendix may do so In accordance with the relevant constitutional and legislative procedures.

3 The provisions of the appendix may be reproduced as they appear or may be adapted to meet the needs of the Parties concerned.

4 The Parties may declare that the provisions of the appendix, once introduced into their national legal system, constitute the implementing provisions referred to in paragraph 1.

5 The provisions of the appendix do not constitute an authoritative interpretation of the provisions included in Part I.

6 The provisions of the appendix shall be drafted by the Council of Europe and appended to this Protocol as soon as they are approved by the Committee of Ministers.