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Приложение ДБ
Алфавитный указатель терминов на английском языке
accreditation |
accreditation body |
affected greenhouse gas source, sink or reservoir |
allocation |
ancillary input |
appeal |
assessee |
assessor |
audit |
audit client |
audit conclusion |
audit criteria |
audit evidence |
audit findings |
auditee |
auditor |
audit plan |
audit programme |
audit scope |
audit team |
base year |
baseline scenario |
business consequence |
carbon dioxide equivalent |
category endpoint |
certification |
characterization factor |
client |
comparative assertion |
competence |
completeness check |
complaint |
controlled greenhouse gas source, sink or reservoir |
continual improvement |
conflict of interest |
consistency check |
consumer |
co-product |
correction |
corrective action |
critical review |
cut-off criteria |
data commissioner |
data documentor |
data documentation format |
data field |
data generator |
data quality |
data source |
data type |
design and development |
document |
directed action |
direct greenhouse gas emission |
ecolabelling body |
elementary flow |
energy flow |
energy indirect greenhouse gas emission |
environment |
environmental aspect |
environmental assessment of sites and organizations; EASO |
environmental claim |
environmental claim verification |
environmental communication |
environmental communication objective |
environmental communication policy |
environmental communication strategy |
environmental communication target |
environmental condition indicator; ECI |
environmental impact |
environmental issue |
environmental label |
environmental management system; EMS |
environmental mechanism |
environmental objective |
environmental performance |
environmental performance criterion; EPC |
environmental performance evaluation; EPE |
environmental performance indicator; EPI |
environmental policy |
explanatory statement |
8.2.4 |
environmental target |
facility |
feed stock energy |
fitness for purpose |
functional unit |
global warming potential; GWP |
greenhouse gas; GHG |
greenhouse gas activity data |
greenhouse gas activity |
greenhouse gas assertion |
greenhouse gas consultancy services |
greenhouse gas emission |
greenhouse gas emission reduction |
greenhouse gas emission or removal factor |
greenhouse gas information |
greenhouse gas information system |
greenhouse gas inventory |
greenhouse gas project proponent |
greenhouse gas programme |
greenhouse gas project |
greenhouse gas report |
greenhouse gas resource |
greenhouse gas removal |
greenhouse gas removal enhancement |
greenhouse gas reservoir |
greenhouse gas sink |
greenhouse gas source |
greenhouse gas service |
greenhouse gas subject of activity |
impact category |
impact category indicator |
information module |
input |
intended user |
intermediate product |
interested party |
internal audit |
intermediate flow |
intrusive investigation |
level of assurance |
licence (for type I environmental labeling) |
licensee |
life cycle |
life cycle assessment; LSA |
life cycle impact assessment; LCIA |
life cycle inventory analysis; LCI |
life cycle inventory analysis result; LSI result |
life cycle interpretation |
management performance indicator; MPI |
materiality |
material discrepancy |
material identification |
monitoring |
nomenclature |
nonconformity |
operational performance indicator; OPI |
organization |
other indirect greenhouse gas emission |
output |
packaging |
PCR review |
personnel |
preventive action |
prevention of pollution |
procedure |
process |
process energy |
product |
product category |
product environmental criteria |
product category rules; PCR |
product flow |
product function characteristic |
product system |
programme operator |
qualified environmental claim |
quantity characteristics |
raw material |
record |
reference flow |
removal of nonconforming |
related greenhouse gas source, sink or reservoir |
releases |
representativeness |
representative of the assessee |
responsible persons |
responsible party |
self-declared environmental claim |
sensitivity analysis |
sensitivity check |
site |
supply chain |
system boundary |
target group |
technical expert |
third party |
top management |
transparency |
type I environmental labelling programme |
type III environmental declaration |
type III environmental declaration programme |
uncertainty analysis |
uncertainty |
unit process |
upgradability |
validation |
validator |
validation body |
validation criteria |
validation or verification body |
validation or verification team |
validation statement |
verification |
verifier |
verification body |
verification criteria |
verification statement |
waste |
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