ISO 3534-1:1993 Statistics-Vocabulary and symbols - Part 1: Statistical methods. Terms and definitions
ASTM E691-87, Standard Practice for Conducting ab Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of a Test Method. American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, USA
GRUBBS, F.E. and BECK, G. Extension of sample sizes and percentage points for significance tests of outlying observations. Technometrics, 14, 1972, pp. 847-854
TOMKINS, S.S. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (Analytical edition), 14, 1942, pp. 141-145
"Standard Methods for Testing Tar and its Products". Ed. Standardisation of Tar Products Tests Committee, 1979
ISO 3534-2:1993 Statistics-Vocabulary and symbols - Part 2: Statistical quality control
ISO 3534-3:1985 Statistics-Vocabulary and symbols - Part 3: Design of experiments