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Приложение 12
Format for the catch on entry, daily catch and catch on exit reporting
1. Start fishing (СОЕ, catch on entry)
This report shall be transmitted at the earliest 6 hours and not later than 2 hours in advance of a vessel's entry into the Faroese Fishing Zone
(TM): Type of message: СОЕ (Catch on Entry)
(SQ): Sequence Number
(LC): Licence Number (Optional)
(DS): Direct fisheries on what species
(RC): Radio call sign
(IM): IMO Number (Optional)
(TN): Trip Number (Optional)
(NA): Name of Vessel
(MA): Name of Master
(XR): External Registration Number
(RA): Relevant Fishing Area
(LA): Latitude when Transmitted
(LO): Longitude when Transmitted
(OB): Quantity on Board by Species (FAO 3 alpha code) live weight in kilograms
(DA): Date of Transmission (dd-mm-yyyy)
(TI): Time о f Transmission (24H h: m)
(RE): Remarks
2. Catch (CAT, Daily Catch)
Daily catches. When fishing is ongoing, fishing vessels shall report the daily catches (a daily catch report) every morning before noon
(TM): Type of message: CAT (Daily Catch)
(SQ): Sequence Number
(LC): Licence Number (Optional)
(DS): Direct fisheries on what species
(RC): Radio call sign
(IM): IMO Number (Optional)
(TN): Trip Number
(NA): Name of Vessel
(MA): Name of Master
(XR): External Registration Number
(RA): Relevant Fishing Area
(LA): Latitude when Transmitted
(LO): Longitude when Transmitted
(CA): Catches the previous day from 00.00 to 23.59 (CAT) by Species (FAO 3 alpha code) live weight in kilograms
(TC): Total Catch on Board by Species (FAO 3 alpha code) live weight in kilograms
(DA): Date of Transmission (dd-mm-yyyy)
(TI): Time of Transmission (24H h:m)
(RE): Remarks
3. Stop fishing (COX, Catch on Exit)
This report shall be transmitted at the earliest 8 hours and not later than 2 hours in advance of each exit/end fishing. If the vessel is leaving the Faroese Fishing Zone without entering a Faroese port, this report shall be transmitted at least 12 hours in advance of the exit.
(TM): Type of Message: COX (Catch on Exit)
(SQ): Sequence Number
(LC): Licence Number (Optional)
(DS): Direct fisheries on what species
(RC): Radio call sign
(IM): IMO Number (Optional)
(TN): Trip number (Optional)
(NA): Name of Vessel
(MA): Name of Master
(XR): External Registration Number
(RA): Relevant Fishing Area
(LA): Latitude when Transmitted
(LO): Longitude when Transmitted
(CA): Catches the previous day from 00.00 to 23.59 (CAT) by Species (FAO 3 alpha code) live weight in kilograms
(TC): Total Catch on Board by Species (FAO 3 alpha code) live weight in kilograms
(PO): Port of Landing or Transhipping
(TR): Transhipping-/Landing to company/vessel
(PD): Estimated Date of Landing/Transhipping (dd-mm-yyyy)
(PT): Estimated Time of Landing/Transhipping (24H h:m)
(DA): Date of Transmission (dd-mm-yyyy)
(TI): Time of Transmission (24H h:m)
(RE): Remarks
<< Приложение 11. Форма промыслового журнала |
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