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Article 2.4
Duration and Termination
1. This Framework Agreement shall be valid indefinitely.
2. The EAEU and the EAEU Member States may terminate this Framework Agreement by means of a written notification to Singapore, or Singapore may terminate this Framework Agreement by means of a written notification to the EAEU. The termination shall take effect six (6) months after the date of the notification.
3. The Framework Agreement shall terminate for any EAEU Member State which withdraws from the Treaty on the EAEU on the same date that the withdrawal from the Treaty on the EAEU takes place. The Eurasian Economic Commission shall notify Singapore of such withdrawal nine (9) months in advance.
4. If an EAEU Member State withdraws pursuant to paragraph 3, this Framework Agreement shall remain in force for the EAEU and the remaining EAEU Member States and Singapore.
<< Статья 2.3. Присоединение / Article 2.3. Accession |
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