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Article 3.5
Notifications and Consultations
1. Upon receipt by a Party's investigating authorities of a properly documented anti-dumping application with respect to imports from the other Party, at least fifteen (15) days before initiating such anti-dumping investigation, the Party shall provide written notification to the other Party of its receipt of the application which includes the following:
(a) description of the goods;
(b) tariff number under which the goods were imported;
(c) identification of the exporters and countries of export that were named in the petition; and
(d) the name and address of the investigating authority.
2. Upon receipt by a Party's investigating authorities of a properly documented countervailing duty application with respect to imports from the other Party, and before initiating an investigation, the Party shall provide written notification to the other Party of its receipt of the application at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the date of initiation and invite the other Party for consultations on the application.
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