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Article 11.3
1. Each Party shall publish on the official websites listed in Annexes 11 - 1 (Official Websites of the Authorities Responsible for Competition) and 11 - 2 (Official Websites of the Sectoral Authorities Responsible for Competition) its competition laws and regulations and information on final decisions of its relevant competent authorities finding a violation of its competition laws and regulations. In the event of any change to the web address of the websites listed in Annex 11 - 1 (Official Websites of the Authorities Responsible for Competition), the respective Party shall inform the other Party on such a change through its contact points. In the event of any change to the web address of the websites listed in Annex 11 - 2 (Official Websites of the Sectoral Authorities Responsible for Competition), the respective Party shall endeavour to inform the other Party on such a change through its contact points.
2. Each Party shall ensure that all final decisions of its relevant competent authorities finding a violation of its competition laws and regulations are in written form, and contain relevant findings of fact and legal basis on which the decisions are based.
3. Each Party shall also endeavour to make public the relevant findings of fact and legal basis on which the decisions are based, subject to:
(a) its laws and regulations;
(b) its need to safeguard confidential information; or
(c) its need to safeguard information on grounds of public policy or public interest.
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