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Article 5.17
Single Window
1. Each Party shall establish or maintain a single window, enabling traders to submit documentation or data required for importation, exportation or transit of goods through a single entry point to the relevant authorities or agencies. After the examination by the relevant authorities or agencies of the documentation or data, the results shall be notified to the applicants through the single window in a timely manner.
2. In cases where required documentation or data has already been received through the single window, the same documentation or data shall not be requested by the relevant authorities or agencies except in urgent circumstances and other limited exceptions which are made public.
3. The Parties shall endeavour to promote the interoperability between the national single windows, which allows the creation of conditions for the mutual recognition of electronic documents and data necessary to carry out trade activities. For these purposes, the Parties shall endeavour to develop institutional, legal and technical bases to ensure information exchange between the national single windows.
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