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Article 4.32
Electronic Certification System
1. With the aim of simplifying customs operations and the obtaining of preferential tariff treatment, the interested Parties shall develop and support the ECS.
2. The ECS provides to the central customs authorities of the importing Party the opportunity to use the information from the electronic database on Certificates of Origin (Form EAS) issued by the competent authorities of the exporting Party.
3. If the Parties use the ECS in trade between themselves, the hard copies of Certificates of Origin (Form EAS) shall not be applied.
4. The electronic data exchange between the central customs authorities of the importing Party and the authorised body of the exporting Party within the ECS should be implemented using the facilities of the integrated information system of the EAEU.
5. All requirements and specifications for the application of the ECS shall be set out in a separate agreement.
6. The Parties shall endeavour to implement the ECS no later than two (2) years from the date of entry into force of this Agreement.
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