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Article 11.5
Confidentiality of Information
1. Where the Parties are simultaneously conducting a review of the same economic concentration transaction and one Party becomes aware of the likelihood that the transaction may impact a market within the jurisdiction of the other Party, each Party recognises the benefits of contacting one or more of the persons subject to economic concentration to seek approval to disclose confidential information of such person or persons to the other Party under appropriate conditions in order to facilitate the discussion between the Parties on such impact.
2. Any request for information shall state the purpose for which the information will be used. Where a Party provides information to the other Party, such information shall be used by the latter Party only for such purposes and shall not be disclosed or transferred to any other persons or non-parties without the consent of the Party providing the information.
3. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter, neither Party is required to provide information to the other Party if this is prohibited by its respective laws and regulations or if it finds providing the information incompatible with its important interests.
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