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Article 2.3
Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment
1. Article I of the GATT 1994 as well as any exception, exemption and waivers to the obligation to grant treatment set out in Article I of the GATT 1994 applicable under the WTO Agreement are incorporated into and form part of this Agreement.
2. For greater certainty, nothing in paragraph 1 obliges a Party to provide on a Most-Favoured-Nation basis the other Party with an advantage, favour, privilege or immunity which the former Party provides to any non-party falling within any of the following descriptions:
(a) adjacent countries for the purposes of facilitating frontier traffic;
(b) the participants of a customs union, free trade area or regional economic organisation, or any other regional trade agreements as defined in Article XXIV of the GATT 1994, of which the former Party is a participant; or
(c) developing and least developed countries in accordance with the GATT 1994, Generalized System of Preferences under United Nations Conference on Trade and Development or the respective laws and regulations of the Parties.
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