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Article 5.13
Express Shipments
The customs authority of a Party shall ensure that customs operations with respect to express shipments are carried out in accordance with a Party's customs laws and regulations on a priority basis, while maintaining appropriate customs control. Such procedures shall:
(a) provide for pre-arrival processing of information related to express shipments;
(b) permit, as a condition for release, the submission of a single document in the form that the Party considers appropriate, such as a single manifest or a single declaration, covering all of the goods in the shipment by an express service company, through, if possible, electronic means;
(c) minimise, to the extent possible, the documentation required for the release of express shipments; and
(d) allow, in normal circumstances, for an express shipment to be released within four (4) hours from the registration of a customs declaration provided that all necessary customs documentation has been submitted.
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