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Article 11.1
Objectives and Principles
1. Taking into account the importance of fair competition in trade relations, the Parties recognise that eliminating anti-competitive practices and cooperating on matters covered by this Chapter will contribute to preventing the benefits of trade liberalisation from being undermined and promoting the proper functioning of their markets.
2. Each Party shall, subject to its respective laws and regulations, take all necessary measures which it considers appropriate in order to prevent and eliminate anti-competitive practices in their respective markets.
3. Each Party shall maintain its autonomy in developing and enforcing its respective competition laws and regulations. The Parties shall ensure independence in decision-making by the authorities responsible for the enforcement of their respective competition laws and regulations.
4. Competition law enforcement activities shall not discriminate on the basis of nationality.
5. The relevant competent authorities of each Party shall ensure that before a final decision is imposed against any person for violating its competition laws and regulations, it provides that person with the grounds for the alleged violation and an opportunity to present that person's opinion and evidence in that person's defence.
6. A person subject to a decision for violation of a Party's competition laws and regulations shall be provided with the opportunity to appeal such decision in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of that Party.
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