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Article 7.6
1. The Parties agree to strengthen their cooperation, including cooperation between the competent authorities in the field of SPS measures, with a view to increasing the mutual understanding of their respective systems and to improving their SPS regulatory systems. This cooperation, based on mutually agreed terms and conditions, may include:
(a) collaborative work and information exchange on SPS issues of mutual interest within the scope of this Chapter;
(b) encouraging cooperation of competent authorities of the Parties involved in issues of food safety, human, animal or plant life or health within the framework of relevant international organisations;
(c) development of educational programmes for exchange of experience between the competent authorities in order to enlarge potential and deepen mutual understanding of the Parties on food safety issues, implementation of SPS measures and preventing the spread of animal diseases and pests spreading; and
(d) additional arrangements on matters related to SPS measures including initiatives that promote trade.
2. The Parties will work cooperatively to provide timely information where a significant SPS risk has been identified in an exported consignment. This work shall be based on mutually agreed terms and conditions.
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