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Article 4.11
Direct Consignment
1. Each Party shall provide that originating goods retain their origin if the goods have been transported directly from the territory of the exporting Party to the territory of the importing Party without passing through the territory of a non-party.
2. Each Party shall provide that if originating goods are transported through the territory of one or more non-parties, the goods retain their origin provided that:
(a) transit through the territory of non-parties is justified for geographical reasons or related exclusively to transport requirements;
(b) the goods have not entered into trade or consumption there and remain under the control of the customs administration in the territory of the non-parties; and
(c) the goods do not undergo any operation outside the territories of the Parties other than: unloading; reloading (including with the change of means of transportation and containers); storing; labelling or marking required by the importing Party; or any other operation necessary to preserve them in good condition or to transport them to the territory of the importing Party.
3. A declarant shall submit appropriate documentary evidence to the customs authorities of the importing Party confirming that the conditions set out in paragraph 2 have been fulfilled. Such evidence shall be provided to the customs authorities of the importing Party by submission of:
(a) transport documents covering the passage from the territory of one Party to the territory of the other Party containing:
(i) an exact description of the goods; and
(ii) where applicable:
(A) the names of the ships, or the other means of transport used;
(B) the numbers of containers;
(C) the conditions under which the goods remained in the non-party of transit;
(D) the marks of the customs authorities of the non-party of transit;
(E) the dates of unloading and reloading of the goods; or
(b) a document issued by the customs authorities of the non-party of transit, containing the information referred to in subparagraph (a).
4. A declarant may submit other supporting documents besides those mentioned in paragraph 3 to prove that the requirements of paragraph 2 are fulfilled.
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