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Article 11.4
1. The Parties recognise the importance of cooperation between their relevant competent authorities to promote effective competition law enforcement. Such cooperation includes:
(a) making of requests to initiate appropriate competition law enforcement activities if a Party considers that its interests are substantially affected in the markets of the other Party by anti-competitive practices. Such request shall take place to the extent possible at an early stage of the anti-competitive practice and shall state the reasons for the request in sufficient detail.
(i) The requested Party shall carefully consider the possibility of initiating competition law enforcement activities or expanding ongoing competition law enforcement activities in accordance with the requirements of its respective laws and regulations and inform the requesting Party of the results of such consideration as promptly as reasonably possible.
(ii) If competition law enforcement activities are initiated or expanded, the requested Party shall inform the requesting Party of their outcome and, to the extent possible, of significant interim developments.
Nothing in this Chapter shall limit the discretion of the requested Party to decide whether to undertake competition law enforcement activities with respect to the anti-competitive practices identified in the request, or precludes the requesting Party from withdrawing its request.
(b) making of requests to exchange information between the Parties to foster understanding or to facilitate effective competition law enforcement activities, including information on competition law enforcement activities which may substantially affect the other Party's interests; and
(c) technical cooperation.
2. Such cooperation shall be based on terms mutually agreed by the Parties.
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