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Article 9.12
Recognising the global nature of electronic commerce, and with a view to increasing the level of confidence in electronic commerce, the Parties shall endeavour to:
(a) cooperate to assist small and medium enterprises to overcome obstacles encountered in the use of electronic commerce;
(b) exchange information and share experience on regulations and enforcement, as well as cooperate on:
(i) personal data protection;
(ii) security in electronic commerce;
(iii) unsolicited commercial electronic messages;
(iv) electronic signatures; and
(v) logistics to facilitate electronic commerce.
(c) encourage the development of new technologies related to electronic commerce, such as big data, block-chain, cloud computing, electronic invoicing and linguistic technologies;
(d) encourage the private sector to adopt self-regulation, including through codes of conduct, model contracts and guidelines that foster electronic commerce;
(e) prevent fraudulent and deceptive commercial practices in electronic commerce;
(f) where feasible, exchange available statistical information on trade revenue relating to electronic commerce between the Parties; and
(g) organise seminars and expert dialogues between public authorities and private sector representatives of the Parties.
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