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Article 9.9
Consumer Protection
1. Each Party shall, to the extent possible, apply its consumer protection measures to consumers engaged in electronic commerce.
2. Each Party shall adopt or maintain laws and regulations to proscribe fraudulent and deceptive commercial activities that cause harm or potential harm to consumers, which may include:
(a) making a misrepresentation of product information;
(b) failing to deliver products to a consumer after the consumer is charged; or
(c) charging or debiting a consumer without authorisation.
3. Each Party shall, where possible, encourage business practices for electronic commerce which protect consumers, for example:
(a) to provide accurate and clear information to enable consumers to make an informed decision;
(b) to inform the consumer about the warranty periods and expiration dates of goods;
(c) to confirm the consumer purchase intention; and
(d) to consider safety of products.
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