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Article 2.12
Sub-Committee on Trade in Goods
1. The Parties hereby establish the Sub-Committee on Trade in Goods (hereinafter referred to as "the Goods Sub-Committee"), comprising representatives of each Party.
2. The Goods Sub-Committee shall meet at such times as the Parties mutually decide to consider any matters arising under this Chapter. Meetings shall take place in such locations and through such means as the Parties mutually decide.
3. The Goods Sub-Committee shall have the following functions:
(a) reviewing and monitoring the implementation and operation of this Chapter;
(b) upon request by either Party, reviewing any amendments to the provisions of this Chapter or improvements to the tariff commitments referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 2.6 (Reduction and Elimination of Customs Duties), and making appropriate recommendations to the Joint Committee thereafter;
(c) reviewing, as needed and if requested by a Party, the amendments to the tariff nomenclature resulting from the modification of the HS to ensure the fulfilment of each Partys obligations under this Agreement
(d) identifying and recommending measures to resolve any problem that may arise from the implementation and operation of this Chapter; and
(e) reporting the findings on any other issue arising from the implementation and operation of this Chapter to the Joint Committee.
4. The Goods Sub-Committee shall consult, as appropriate, with other Sub-Committees established under this Agreement when addressing issues of relevance to those Sub-Committees.
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