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Article 7.5
Transparency and Information Exchange
1. The Parties recognise the value of sharing information about the preparation and application of SPS measures in a timely manner and on an ongoing basis. In the implementation of this Article, the Parties shall take into account guidelines and recommendations of relevant international organisations.
2. When a Party makes notification in accordance with subparagraphs 5(b) or 6(a) of Annex B to the SPS Agreement, this Party shall provide, upon request, copies of the proposed SPS regulation 5 to the requesting Party.
3. Each Party shall allow at least sixty (60) days for the other Party to present comments on the proposed SPS measures except where urgent problems of health protection arise or threaten to arise. When a Party is able to provide a time limit beyond sixty (60) days for comments, it is encouraged to do so.
4. Each Party shall take the comments of the other Party into account and shall provide responses to these comments upon request.
5. Each Party upon written request from the other Party shall provide timely information on any matter related to SPS measures which has arisen or may arise from mutual trade between the Parties.
6. Upon request of the exporting Party, the importing Party shall, to the fullest extent practicable, provide its import SPS requirements, including procedures and forms of documents confirming safety that apply for the import of specific products and other relevant information in the area of SPS control as prescribed by the importing Party within thirty (30) days.
7. Upon request of an exporting Party, the importing Party shall provide within thirty (30) days information on the status of the exporting Party's application for market access related to SPS requirements.
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