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Article 7.8
Adaptation to Regional Conditions
1. The Parties agree to enhance cooperation on matters pertaining to adaptation to regional conditions of the Parties, including the recognition of pest- or disease-free areas, areas of low pest or disease prevalence, and pest- or disease-free production sites or compartments, taking into account relevant guidelines and recommendations of the WTO Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, the IPPC, the OIE and the Codex Alimentarius.
2. The Parties may define further details for the procedure for the recognition of such areas, production sites or compartments, including procedures for the recognition of such areas, production sites or compartments when there has been a pest or disease outbreak, taking into account the SPS Agreement and any relevant OIE and IPPC standards, guidelines or recommendations.
3. If the importing Party does not accept the evidence provided by the exporting Party, it shall explain the reasons and shall be ready to enter into technical consultations.
4. The Parties shall promote cooperation of their responsible authorities in order to facilitate implementation of this Article.
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