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Процессуальные полномочия Президента ТПП РФ в сфере международного коммерческого арбитража как преимущество МКАС при ТПП РФ (Д.Н. Подшибякин, журнал "Третейский суд", N 4, октябрь-декабрь 2022 г.)

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Подшибякин Д.Н. Процессуальные полномочия Президента ТПП РФ (Москва) в сфере международного коммерческого арбитража как преимущество МКАС при ТПП РФ


Д.Н. Подшибякин - директор Центра арбитража и посредничества ТПП РФ, кандидат юридических наук


Podshibyakin D.N. The Procedural Powers of the President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry as an Advantage of the ICAC


In this article the author who is the Director of the Center of Arbitration and Mediation of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry analyzes the procedural powers of the President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry as conferred upon him by Article IV of the European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration of 1961 and Article 6(1) of the Law on International Commercial Arbitration of 1993. While previously the President of the RF CCI was entitled to perform a wide range of functions related to assisting the international arbitral proceedings, including issues of appointment and challenges of arbitrators, determining the competent arbitral institution and the procedure to be followed in the course of the proceedings regarding any international arbitration conducted on the territory of the Russian Federation, the new Law on Arbitration (Arbitral Proceedings) in the Russian Federation of 29 December 2015 has vested such functions as relating to international arbitrations conducted on the territory of Russia with Russian state arbitrazh courts, with an exception of proceedings administered by the ICAC and the Maritime Arbitration Commission of the RF CCI.

Consequently, regarding proceedings administered by the indicated arbitral institutions, such functions are performed by the President of the RF CCI, the author considering this as a definite advantage for the parties concluding arbitration agreements in favor of these institutions. Such advantages stem from the fact that the President of the RF CCI possesses substantial experience in exercising assistance to the arbitral proceedings, having considered in the past dozens of applications for assistance. In addition to this, the respective powers of the President of the RF CCI cannot be excluded by the parties' agreement (in contrast to the respective functions of the state arbitrazh courts), and are exercised on a gratuitous basis, and the decisions of the President of the RF CCI cannot be appealed against. The author also describes a number of cases in which the President of the RF CCI has exercised his procedural powers.


Keywords: President of the RF CCI; procedural powers; assistance to arbitration; ICAC at the RF CCI.



Журнал "Третейский суд" - тематическое издание, представляющее актуальную и объективную информацию о становлении и развитии в России способов Альтернативного разрешения споров (АРС): третейского разбирательства, международного коммерческого арбитража, посредничества (медиации) и других.

Журнал ориентирован на практикующих юристов, третейских и государственных судей, адвокатов, посредников (медиаторов), преподавателей, студентов и аспирантов юридических вузов, деловых людей и всех интересующихся развитием в России негосударственных способов разрешения споров и урегулирования конфликтов.


Периодичность - 4 номера в год.