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Article 3

Article 3


1. A Member which ratifies this Convention shall accept either the obligations of Part II, providing for the protection of workers' claims by means of a privilege, or the obligations of Part III, providing for the protection of workers' claims by a guarantee institution, or the obligations of both Parts. This choice shall be indicated in a declaration accompanying its ratification.

2. A Member which has initially accepted only Part II or only Part III of this Convention may thereafter, by a declaration communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office, extend its acceptance to the other Part.

3. A Member which accepts the obligations of both Parts of this Convention may, after consulting the most representative organisations of employers and workers, limit the application of Part III to certain categories of workers and to certain branches of economic activity. Such limitations shall be specified in the declaration of acceptance.

4. A Member which has limited its acceptance of the obligations of Part III in accordance with paragraph 3 above shall, in its first report under article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation, give the reasons for limiting its acceptance. In subsequent reports it shall provide information on any extension of the protection under Part III of this Convention to other categories of workers or other branches of economic activity.

5. A Member which has accepted the obligations of Parts II and III of this Convention may, after consulting the most representative organisations of employers and workers, exclude from the application of Part II those claims which are protected pursuant to Part III.

6. Acceptance by a Member of the obligations of Part II of this Convention shall ipso jure involve the termination of its obligations under Article 11 of the Protection of Wages Convention, 1949.

7. A Member which has accepted only the obligations of Part III of this Convention may, by a declaration communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office, terminate its obligations under Article 11 of the Protection of Wages Convention, 1949, in respect of those claims which are protected pursuant to Part III.