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1. This Protocol shall be accepted by each Member of the Organization according to its internal procedures. Notifications on acceptance of this Protocol shall be forwarded to the Depositary of the Agreement.


The Protocol was adopted by Russian Federation with Federal Law No. 190-FZ of December 17, 1998


2. This Protocol shall take effect as from the date of receipt by the Depositary of notifications mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Article from two thirds of those governments that will be the Members of the Organization as at the date when the text of the Protocol is accepted.

3. This Protocol becomes binding on any Member of the Organization that accepts this Protocol after it takes effect as from the date when such Member of the Organization gives a corresponding notification to the Depositary.

4. "Members of the Organization may declare that they accept the provisional application of the Agreements on the Establishment of the INTERSPUTNIK System and Organization of Space Communications as amended by the Protocol with a corresponding notification to the Depositary."

5. For any Member of the Organization that supported the acceptance of the text of this Protocol or provided notification to the Depositary as set forth in paragraph 4 hereof, provisions of the Agreement establishing rules other than those arising out of this Protocol shall be suspended together with the Protocol of November 26, 1982 to the Agreement as from the day of the acceptance of the text of this Protocol or the date of notification by such Member to the Depositary of this Protocol.

6. No reservations to this Protocol are admissible.