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Article 14. Terms and Conditions for Loans and Guarantees

Article 14.
Terms and Conditions for Loans and Guarantees


1. In the case of loans made, participated in, or guaranteed by the Bank, the contract shall establish the terms and conditions for the loan or the guarantee concerned, including those relating to payment of principal, interest and other fees, charges, maturities and dates of payment in respect of the loan or the guarantee, respectively. In setting such terms and conditions, the Bank shall take fully into account the need to safeguard its income.

2. Where the recipient of loans or guarantees of loans is not itself a member, but is a state-owned enterprise, the Bank may, when it appears desirable, bearing in mind the different approaches appropriate to public and state-owned enterprises in transition to private ownership and control, require the member or members in whose territory the project concerned is to be carried out, or a public agency or any instrumentality of such member or members acceptable to the Bank, to guarantee the repayment of the principal and the payment of interest and other fees and charges of the loan in accordance with the terms thereof. The Board of Directors shall review annually the Bank's practice in this matter, paying due attention to the Bank's creditworthiness.

3. The loan or guarantee contract shall expressly state the currency or currencies, or ECU, in which all payments to the Bank thereunder shall be made.