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2.4 Outline contract for the provision of supplies or services between local authorities in frontier areas ("private law" type)

2.4 Outline contract for the provision of supplies or services
between local authorities in frontier areas ("private law" type)


Introductory note: It is assumed that local authorities have the right to conclude such a contract with local authorities of other countries. Where this is not the case, this possibility should be expressly provided for within the framework of an inter-state agreement (see model agreement 1.4).

This is a type of contract which may be used by local authorities for sales, leases, works contracts, the supply of goods or services, the granting of operating concessions, etc. Local authorities' use of "private law" contracts is permitted to varying degrees in national legislation and practice and it is difficult to draw the line between "public-law" and "private-law" contracts. Nevertheless it may be assumed that this type of contract may be used wherever, according to the prevailing interpretation in each particular country, the agreement concerns an operation of a commercial or economic type for which a private person or corporate body could also have contracted. In the case of operations which involve action by local authorities in the exercise of functions reserved to public authority, the supplementary rules specified in the "public-law" outline contract (see 2.5) must be borne in mind, in addition to the provisions set out below.