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Article 5 Privileges and Immunities of the Executive Director, Deputy Executive Director and Members of the Professional Personnel

Article 5
Privileges and Immunities of the Executive Director, Deputy Executive Director and Members of the Professional Personnel


1. The Executive Director, Deputy Executive Director and Members of the professional personnel shall enjoy the following privileges and immunities:

a) Immunity from personal arrest or detention as well as immunity from legal processes in respect of words spoken and written and for all actions performed by them in their official capacity, except for:

i. lawsuits regarding the reimbursement of damage in connection with road accidents that were caused by a vehicle, belonging to the Secretariat or one of above mentioned persons or being driven by them;



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ii. lawsuits regarding the reimbursement of damage in connection with the death or bodily injury, that were caused by the actions of above persons.

b) Exemption from immigration restrictions and obligatory aliens' registration on the territory of the Party, where they are temporarily residing, or in transit during the course of their official duties.

c) The same privileges in the sphere of currency operations as are accorded to diplomatic agents in the territory of the Party concerned.

d) The same repatriation facilities in time of international crises as diplomatic agents.

e) Provisions of sub-clauses (b) and (d) of clause 1 of the present Article shall also apply to the members of family.

2. A Party shall not be obliged to accord the privileges and immunities referred to in paragraph 1 of the present Article to:

a) its own nationals or permanent residents;

b) nationals of a Рarty with which it does not have diplomatic relations.