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Article 14 Transit

Article 14


1. Where a person is to be extradited to a Party from a third State through the territory of the other Party, the Party to which the person is to be extradited shall request the other Party to permit the transit of that person through its territory. This does not apply where air transport is used arid no landing in the territory of the other Party is scheduled.

2. Upon receipt of a request for transit, the Requested Party shall, as soon as possible, advise the Requesting Party of the information required for making a decision on transit pursuant to procedures provided by its own law.

3. The Parry of transit shall ensure mat legal provisions exist that would enable detaining the person in custody during transit.

4. In the event of an unscheduled landing of the aircraft in the territory of either Party, the Party to be requested to permit transit may, at the request of the escorting officer, hold the person in custody for 48 hours, pending receipt of the transit request to be made in accordance with Paragraph 1 of this Article.