Article 7
1. The Parties recognize that the military-purpose products created, used or transmitted in the course of bilateral military-technical cooperation may contain the results of intellectual activity and/or the intellectual property which belong to the States of the Parties and/or their legal entities and/or natural persons and/or which are the same.
2. The Parties shall take the measures necessary to ensure the legal protection of the results of the intellectual activity and/or safeguard of the mentioned intellectual property, as well as to prevent the unlawful use of such results of intellectual activity and/or intellectual property in accordance with the legislation of the Parties' States and the international agreements to which States of the Parties are Parties.
3. The formalities for assignments of rights to the results of the intellectual activity created during the realization of the present Agreement, their legal safeguard and use, as well as the formalities for protection and use of the intellectual property received, used of created during the realization of the present Agreement, shall be the subject of a separate agreement between the Parties.
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Agreement Between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Zambia on Military-Technical... |