Article 4 - Domestic co-ordination arrangements
1 The Parties shall ensure that national and local co-ordination arrangements are established for the purpose of developing and implementing a multi-agency integrated approach to safety, security and service at national and local level.
2 The Parties shall ensure that co-ordination arrangements are established to identify, analyse and evaluate the risks pertaining to safety, security and services, and to allow the sharing of updated information on risk assessment.
3 The Parties shall ensure that the co-ordination arrangements involve all key public and private agencies responsible for safety, security and service matters connected with the event, both inside and outside of the venue where the event is taking place.
4 The Parties shall ensure that the co-ordination arrangements take full account of the safety, security and service principles set out in this Convention and that national and local strategies are developed, regularly evaluated and refined in the light of national and international experience and good practices.
5 The Parties shall ensure that national legal, regulatory or administrative frameworks clarify the respective roles and responsibilities of the relevant agencies and that these roles are complementary, consistent with an integrated approach and widely understood at strategic and operational levels.