Article 14 - Functions of the Committee on Safety and Security at Sports Events
1 The committee shall be responsible for monitoring the application of this Convention. It may in particular:
a keep under review the provisions of this Convention and examine any necessary modifications;
b hold consultations and, where appropriate, exchange information with relevant organisations;
c make recommendations to the Parties to this Convention concerning measures to be taken for its implementation;
d recommend the appropriate measures to keep the public informed about the activities undertaken within the framework of this Convention;
e make recommendations to the Committee of Ministers concerning non-member States of the Council of Europe to be invited to accede to this Convention;
f make any proposal for improving the effectiveness of this Convention;
g facilitate the collection, analysis and exchange of information, experience and good practices between States.
2 The committee, with the prior agreement of the Parties concerned, shall monitor compliance with this Convention through a programme of visits to the States Parties, in order to provide advice and support on the implementation of this Convention.
3 The committee shall also gather the information provided by States Parties according to Article 12, and transmit relevant data to all States Parties of the Convention. It may in particular inform each State Party about the nomination of a new NFIP, and circulate its contact details.
4 In order to discharge its functions, the committee may, on its own initiative, arrange for meetings of groups of experts.