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Article 11 - International co-operation

Article 11 - International co-operation


1 The Parties shall co-operate closely on all matters covered by this Convention and related matters, in order to maximise collaboration in respect of international events, share experiences and participate in the development of good practices.

2 The Parties shall, without prejudice to existing national provisions, in particular the allocation of powers among the different services and authorities, set up or designate a national football information point within the police force (NFIP). The NFIP shall:

a act as the direct and single contact point for exchanging general (strategic, operational and tactical) information in connection with a football match with an international dimension;

b exchange personal data in accordance with the applicable domestic and international rules;

c facilitate, co-ordinate or organise the implementation of international police co-operation in connection with football matches with an international dimension;

d be capable of fulfilling efficiently and promptly the tasks assigned to it.

3 The Parties shall further ensure that the NFIP provides a national source of expertise regarding football policing operations, supporter dynamics and associated safety and security risks.

4 Each State Party shall notify the Committee on Safety and Security at Sports Events, created by this Convention, in writing, of the name and contact details of its NFIP, and any subsequent changes with regard to it.

5 The Parties shall co-operate at international level in respect of sharing good practices and information on preventative, educational and informative projects and the establishment of partnerships with all agencies involved in the delivery of national and local initiatives, focused on or driven by the local community and supporters.