Article 3
1. For the purposes of this Convention, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) the terms "a Contracting State" and "the other Contracting State" mean Russia or Japan, as the context requires;
(b) the term "person" includes an individual, a company and any other body of persons;
(c) the term "company" means any body corporate or any entity that is treated as a body corporate for tax purposes;
(d) the term "enterprise" applies to the carrying on of any business;
(e) the terms "enterprise of a Contracting State" and "enterprise of the other Contracting State" mean respectively an enterprise carried on by a resident of a Contracting State and an enterprise carried on by a resident of the other Contracting State;
(f) the term "international traffic" means any transport by a ship or aircraft operated by an enterprise of a Contracting State, except when the ship or aircraft is operated solely between places in the other Contracting State;
(g) the term "competent authority" means:
(i) in Japan, the Minister of Finance or his authorised representative; and
(ii) in Russia, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation or its authorised representative;
(h) the term "national", in relation to a Contracting State, means:
(i) any individual possessing the nationality or citizenship of that Contracting State; and
(ii) any legal person, partnership or association deriving its status as such from the laws in force in that Contracting State;
(i) the term "business" includes the performance of professional services and of other activities of an independent character; and
(j) the term "pension fund" means any person that is:
(i) established under the laws of a Contracting State; and
(ii) operated principally to administer or provide pensions, retirement benefits or other similar remuneration or to earn income for the benefit of other pension funds;
provided that it is:
(iii) in the case of Japan, exempt from tax in Japan with respect to income derived from the activities described in clause (ii) of this subparagraph;
(iv) in the case of Russia, an entity organised under the Federal Law "On Non State Pension Funds" (Law No. 75-FZ on 7 May, 1998), including such as may be amended from time to time without changing the general principle thereof.
2. As regards the application of this Convention at any time by a Contracting State, any term not defined therein shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the meaning that it has at that time under the law of that Contracting State for the purposes of the taxes to which this Convention applies, any meaning under the applicable tax laws of that Contracting State prevailing over a meaning given to the term under other laws of that Contracting State.
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Convention Between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Japan for the Elimination of Double Taxation... |