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Article 17 Competent Jurisdiction

Article 17
Competent Jurisdiction


1. An action arising under Articles 3 and 4 of this Convention shall, at the option of the claimant, be brought before one of the courts listed below, provided that the court is located in a State Party to this Convention, and subject to the domestic law of each State Party governing proper venue within those States with multiple possible forums:

a) the court of the State of permanent residence or principal place of business of the defendant, or

b) the court of the State of departure or that of the destination according to the contract of carriage, or

c) the court of the State of the domicile or permanent residence of the claimant, if the defendant has a place of business and is subject to jurisdiction in that State, or

d) the court of the State where the contract of carriage was made, if the defendant has a place of business and is subject to jurisdiction in that State.

2. Actions under Article 4bis of this Convention shall, at the option of the claimant, be brought before one of the courts where action could be brought against the carrier or performing carrier according to paragraph 1.

3. After the occurrence of the incident which has caused the damage, the parties may agree that the claim for damages shall be submitted to any jurisdiction or to arbitration.