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Article 6 Cooperation Obligation

Article 6
Cooperation Obligation


(1) The Russian Federation shall fully cooperate with the Managing Authority, the Audit Authority and the Commission and support the efficient functioning of the management and control systems as described in the Cooperation Programme document and the other documents in the meaning of point (a) of Article 2 of this Agreement.

(2) The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation as Russian National Authority assumes ultimate responsibility for the implementation of the Cooperation Programme in its own territory and assuring the cooperation with the Cooperation Programme authorities and management bodies and the Commission as set out in paragraph 1 of this Article.

The Monitoring Committee member from the Russian Federation representing the National Authority and its deputy shall be the main contact persons for the Cooperation Programme authorities and management bodies related to the implementation of the Cooperation Programme in the Russian Federation.

(3) The Russian Federation shall appoint a Control Contact Point that will support the Managing Authority in its control tasks.

(4) The Russian Federation shall appoint a representative in the Group of Auditors that will support the Audit Authority with its audit tasks (second level audits).

(5) The Russian Federation shall appoint up to three representatives and their deputies in the Monitoring Committee.