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Article 3 Programme Authorities and Management Bodies

Article 3
Programme Authorities and Management Bodies


3.1 The Programme authorities and management bodies are:

(a) the Joint Monitoring Committee, composed of one or more representatives appointed by each Participating Country. Representatives shall be appointed on a functional basis and not on a personal basis. Other persons may be appointed as observers by the Joint Monitoring Committee. The Joint Monitoring Committee shall follow the Programme implementation and progress towards its priorities using the objectively verifiable indicators and related target values defined in the Joint Operational Programme. It shall decide on the selection of the projects, examine all issues affecting die Programme's performance and may issue recommendations to the Managing Authority regarding Programme implementation and evaluation. It shall monitor actions undertaken as a result of its recommendations;

(b) the Managing Authority, selected by the Participating Countries, responsible for managing the Programme in accordance with the principle of sound financial management, which includes implementing the decisions of the Joint Monitoring Committee and ensuring that these decisions comply with the applicable legislation of the Parties and the rules set out in the Joint Operational Programme and this Agreement;

(c) the National Authority, appointed by each Participating Country bearing the ultimate responsibility for supporting the Managing Authority in the implementation of the Programme on its own territory in accordance with the principle of sound financial management. The National Authority shall inter alia be responsible for the set up and effective functioning of management and control systems at national level, ensure the overall coordination of the institutions involved at national level in the Programme implementation, represent its country in the Joint Monitoring Committee;

(d) the Control Contact Points, appointed by the Participating Countries to support the Managing Authority in the control of the Programme, in accordance with Article 17 of this Annex;

(e) the Joint Technical Secretariat, set up by the Participating Countries if needed, to assist the Managing Authority, the Joint Monitoring Committee and, where relevant, the Audit Authority, in carrying out their respective functions. In particular, it shall inform potential beneficiaries about funding opportunities under the Programme and shall assist beneficiaries in the project implementation;

(f) the Branch Offices, set up in the Participating Countries if needed, working under the responsibility of the Managing Authority. Their role is described in the Joint Operational Programme and may include communication, information, assistance to the Managing Authority in the project evaluation and implementation follow-up. The Branch Offices located in the Russian Federation shall also monitor the Programme implementation in the territory of the Russian Federation, summarize experience, and prepare reports on the implementation of the Programme in the territory of the Russian Federation at the request of the Russian National Authority. In no event, may the branch office be entrusted with a task involving exercise of public authority or the use of discretionary powers of judgment regarding projects. The Branch Offices located in the Russian Federation are established in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation;

(g) the Audit Authority, appointed by the Participating Countries. It is functionally independent from the Managing Authority and situated in the Member State hosting the Managing Authority. The Audit Authority ensures that audits are carried out on the management and control systems, on an appropriate sample of projects and on the annual accounts of the Programme;

(h) the Group of Auditors, comprising representatives of each Participating Country and chaired by the Audit Authority. The Group of Auditors shall assist the Audit Authority in its functions.

3.2 A detailed description of the functions of the Programme authorities and management bodies, as well as the composition of the Joint Monitoring Committee and the Group of Auditors is laid down in the Joint Operational Programme, as well as in the document describing Programme management and control systems.

3.3 The Programme authorities and management bodies shall take all necessary measures to ensure efficient implementation of the Programme.