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Article 1 Definitions

Article 1


For the purpose of this Agreement the following definitions are used:

(a) "participating countries" means the Russian Federation, the Member State and any other participating country where applicable;

(b) "joint operational programme" means the document covering a Cross Border Cooperation Programme, comprising multiannual measures that pursue a consistent set of priorities, and which has been adopted with due consideration of the legislation of the Parties;

(c) "Programme area" means core regions, adjoining regions and major social, economic or cultural centres and other territorial units as defined in the Joint Operational Programme;

(d) "project" means a series of activities defined and managed in relation to the objectives, outputs, results and impacts which it aims at achieving within a defined time-period and budget. The objectives, outputs, results and impacts shall contribute to the priorities identified in the Joint Operational Programme;

(e) "contract" means any procurement contract or grant contract concluded within the framework of the Programme;

(f) "lead beneficiary" means a beneficiary designated to represent the partnership. The lead beneficiary shall inter alia sign the grant contract on behalf of the other beneficiaries and receive the financial contribution from the Managing Authority;

(g) "beneficiary" means a natural or legal person with whom a grant contract has been signed;

(h) "contractor" means a natural or legal person with whom a procurement contract has been concluded;

(i) "grant" means a direct financial contribution, by way of donation, from the Programme budget in order to finance a project;

(j) "intermediate body" means any public or private body which acts under the responsibility of a Managing Authority, or which carries out duties on behalf of such and in relation to beneficiaries implementing projects;

(k) "large infrastructure projects" means projects comprising a set of works, activities or services intended to fulfil an indivisible function of a precise nature pursuing clearly identified objectives of common interest for the purposes of implementing investments delivering a cross-border impact and benefits and where a budget share of at least EUR 2,5 million is allocated to acquisition of infrastructure;

(l) "public entity" in the Russian Federation means federal, regional or local authority of the Russian Federation.