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Статья 1


Customs Duties and Charges


1. On arriving in the territory of one Party, aircraft operated in international air transportation by the designated airlines of the other party, their regular equipment, ground equipment, fuel, lubricants, consumable technical supplies, spare parts (including engines), aircraft stores (including, but not limited to, such items of food, beverages and liquor, tobacco, and other products destined for sale to or use by passengers in limited quantities during flight) and other items intended for or used solely in connection with the operation or servicing of aircraft engaged in international air transportation shall be exempt, on the basis of reciprocity, from all import restrictions, property taxes, and capital levies, customs duties, excise taxes, and similar fees and charges imposed by the national authorities and not based on the cost of services provided, provided such equipment and supplies remain on board the aircraft.

2. There shall also be exempt, on the basis of reciprocity, from the taxes, duties, fees, and charges referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, with the exception of charges based on the cost of the service provided:

a. aircraft stores introduced into or supplied in the territory of one Party and taken on board, within reasonable limits, for use on outbound aircraft of an airline of the other Party engaged in international air transportation, even when these stores are to be used on a part of the journey performed over the territory of the Party in which they are taken on board;

b. ground equipment and spare parts (including engines) introduced into the territory of a Party for the servicing, maintenance, or repair of aircraft of an airline of the other Party used in international air transportation; and

c. fuel, lubricants, and consumable technical supplies introduced into or supplied in the territory of a Party for use in an aircraft of an airline of the other Party engaged in international air transportation, even when these supplies are to be used on a part of the journey performed over the territory of the Party in which they are taken on board.

3. Equipment and supplies referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article may be required to be kept under the supervision or control of the appropriate authorities.

4. The exemptions provided by this Article shall also be available where the airlines of one Party have contracted with another airline, which similarly enjoys such exemptions from the other Party, for the loan or transfer in the territory of the other Party of the items specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article.

5. Each Party shall ensure the provision at a reasonable price or facilitate the importation into its territory of an adequate quantity of aviation fuel of required grade, quality, and specifications for the airlines of the other Party in accordance with the request of such airlines.

6. The designated airlines of one Party may, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the other Party relating to customs and duties, bring in and maintain at each of the points on the agreed routes within the territory of the other Party material and equipment required by those airlines for the provision and promotion of air services. Printed catalogues, price lists, trade notices or tourist and other literature (including posters) shall be admitted duty free.