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Приложение 17
Agreed Record of conclusions between Norway and Russia on electronic exchange of catch and activity data of vessels involved in fishing operations
1 In accordance with paragraph 15.12.2 of the Protocol of the 40th session of the Joint Norwegian - Russian Fisheries Commission, 10-14 October 2011, the Federal Agency for Fisheries and the Directorate of Fisheries (the Parties) have agreed to carry out electronic exchange of catch and activity reports for vessels involved in fishing activity as outlined in the following paragraphs.
2 Legal framework
2.1 Vessels involved in fishing activity in the other Party's waters will be subject to the reporting requirements as laid down in the legislative and regulatory documents of the Parties.
2.2 Catch and activity data for all vessels involved in fishing operations in the Norwegian Economic Zone (NEZ), the Fisheries Zone around Jan Mayen and the Russian Exclusive Economic Zone (REZ) shall be exchanged electronically between the Parties as outlined in this Agreed Record from 1st July 2013 in accordance with decisions of the Joint Norwegian - Russian Fisheries Commission.
2.3 The Parties should cooperate to ensure that harmonised Electronic Reporting System (ERS) schemes are established in the North Atlantic regional fisheries management organisations (NEAFC and NAFO).
3 Common principles when exchanging data between fisheries monitoring Centres (FMCs)
3.1 Reports must be forwarded in accordance with the Flag state principle, meaning that catch and activity data must be submitted by the Master to the Flag state of the vessel.
3.2 All reports outlined in Annex I of this Agreed Record shall be forwarded without undue delay (pushed) by the Flag state FMC to the FMC of the other Party.
3.3 The International radio call sign (RC) shall be the main identification of the vessel in the reports exchanged between FMCs.
3.4 A11 recorded date and time elements in the reports should be given in UTC.
3.5 The Flag state FMC will add Header data elements to each report sent by the vessel as specified in Annex I before forwarding them to the Coastal state FMC.
3.6 The FMC shall automatically issue a RET (Return) message as defined in Annex I for every received report. An electronic message sent in accordance with this Agreed Record is considered not to be received if the originator does not receive a RET message from the Coastal state or the RET message from the Coastal state has the return status not acknowledged. In such situation a follow-up action from the Master of the vessel is required. The RN field of a return message shall be copied from the checked report. If the SQ and/or FM element is used in the report these elements shall also be copied from the checked report to the RET message. Similarly the RX field should be copied from the report into the RET message for cancellations or corrections.
3.7 Only acknowledged reports may be corrected or cancelled. If an FMC receives a correction for a report from another FMC this correction shall have a new RN (Record number). In addition the report should include the RN of the report to be corrected. The report with the newest RN that is acknowledged (ACK) by the Coastal state is the valid report.
3.8 The Flag state shall monitor the reporting provided by this Agreed Record for vessels carrying its flag when in the waters of the other Party.
4 Routing of electronic reports
4.1 Norwegian vessels operating in REZ shall send their electronic reports to the Norwegian FMC which shall push the reports to the Russian FMC. The Russian FMC shall send the correct RET message back to the Norwegian FMC, meaning that it is this RET message that decides the status (ACK/NAK) of the electronic report. Thereafter the Norwegian FMC shall push the RET message from the Russian FMC to the Norwegian vessel.
Norwegian vessel <==> Norwegian FMC <==> Russian FMC |
4.2 Russian vessels operating in the NEZ and the Fisheries Zone around Jan Mayen shall send their electronic reports to the Russian FMC which shall push the reports to the Norwegian FMC. The Norwegian FMC shall send the correct RET message back to the Russian FMC, meaning that it is this RET message that decides the status of the electronic report. Thereafter the Russian FMC shall push the RET message from the Norwegian FMC to the Russian vessel.
Russian vessel <==> Russian FMC <==> Norwegian FMC |
4.3 Where prior authorisation is required, this shall be handled within existing regulations.
5 Catch and activity reports
5.1 All electronic reports required under this reporting scheme (DEP, DCA, СОЕ, TRA, POR, CON, COX and AUD) should be sent using the formats specified in Annex I. The Master of a vessel going to fish in the waters of the other Party shall send the electronic reports one by one in accordance with time limits given below.
5.2 The Master of a Russian vessel that has been granted a licence for fishing in the NEZ and the Fisheries Zone around Jan Mayen shall send a Catch on Entry (СОЕ) report at the earliest 24 hours and at the latest 12 hours prior to starting fishing operations. This report may be cancelled.
5.3 The Master of a Norwegian vessel that has been granted a licence for fishing in the REZ shall send a СОЕ report, no later than 24 hours prior to arrival at the control point. This report may be cancelled.
5.4 After a Catch on Entry (СОЕ) or a Departure from port (DEP) report has been sent, Detailed Catch and Activity (DCA) report must be sent by the Master every day before 23.59 UTC. The DCA report can be corrected until 12.00 UTC the day after it has been sent. The DCA report shall also be sent prior to a:
- Catch on Exit (COX) report
- Control Point/Area (CON) report
- Inspection at sea (on request by the coast guard)
- Port report (POR)
Vessels that are fishing with gill nets or long-lines may provide the information specified in block В of the DCA report per day (24 hour period).
5.5 When entering a port of the other Party the Master of a fishing vessel shall send a Port report (POR) at latest 2 hours before entering the port. The Master of the receiving vessel engaged in transhipment operations shall send a Port report (POR) at least 24 hours in advance of any landing. Port report (POR) may be corrected or cancelled.
5.6When leaving a port of the other Party, the Master of a vessel shall send a Departure report (DEP) prior to or no later than 2 hours after departing the port and before fishing activity commences. This report may be cancelled.
5.7When taking part in transhipment the Master of a vessel shall send a Transhipment report (TRA). The Master of a donor vessel shall send a TRA report no later than 24 hours before the transhipment takes place. The Master of a receiving vessel shall send this report no later than 1 hour after transhipment is completed. This report may be cancelled or corrected.
5.8 Before a Russian vessel exits from the NEZ or the Fisheries Zone around Jan Mayen and no later than arrival at the control point the Master of the vessel shall send a Catch on Exit (COX) report. This report may be cancelled.
5.9 The Master of a Norwegian vessel involved in fishing activity in the REZ shall send a Catch on Exit report (COX) no later than 24 hours before arrival at the control point. This report may be cancelled.
5.10 The Master of the vessel shall send a Control point/area report (CON) in accordance with time limits given by the other Party. This report may be cancelled.
5.11 The Parties may after consultations decide on different time-limits than the above mentioned if this is found appropriate for management or control purposes.
5.12 If a report is marked by using the FM (FMC marking) data element in the header fields and the data content is correct the reports should not be rejected due to time limits set out in points 5.2 - 5.11.
6 Contact point for ERS at the FMCS
6.1 The ERS contact list is given in Annex II. If any contact is changed this should be notified to the other FMC without undue delay.
7 Formats for data exchange between FMCS
7.1 The format of the RN (Record number) shall be:
XXXYYYYMMDDHHmmSSsss (sss - milliseconds) where the XXX will be the ISO-Alfa 3 country code. Each Party ensures that the RN it produces is unique. A timestamp shall be UTC.
7.2 All RE (return code number) values will be included within the return message (RET). The RS field (ACK/NAK) will reflect the final decision taken during the report validation. Note that RE values may be given and the message may still contain ACK - in such cases the RE values may be considered 'warnings' or information.
7.3 If there is no catch and/or fish products on board the vessel, mandatory fields for fish quantities (OB, CA and KG) will be given as FAO species code MZZ equal to 0 (zero).
7.4 Data exchange format between the vessel and the Flag State FMC shall be established by the Flag state authorities.
7.5 Data exchange between the FMCs must be conducted by using the reports with names and data elements as described in Annex I. Pushing of these reports between the FMCs shall be done using XML (extensible Markup Language) Web Service and HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure). Official certificates, including client certificates, should be used for mutual authentication.
7.6 The Norwegian-Russian joint Technical Working Group are, taking into account established international practices, developing common methods for the exchange of data between the FMCs of the Parties by using Web Services Description Language (WSDL) methods and XSDs (XML Schema document) for the XML Web Service and HTTPS.
7.7 The exchange of ERS data shall be carried out by pushing data between the FMCs of the Parties. This shall be done using methods for sending new reports, updating acknowledged reports, deleting acknowledged reports and creating return messages.
7.8 A11 changes in the exchange format must be agreed on between the FMCs of the Parties exchanging data at least 6 months before implementation of new versions. During the first 12 months after the initial ERS implementation such changes may be agreed upon and introduced by the Parties within a shorter time limit.
8 Principles used for corrections and cancellations
8.1 The Flag state FMC must decide whether the correction or cancellation of a report from its vessel is accepted or not. Messages sent between FMCs to correct or cancel reports should not be rejected due to time limits (if a correction or cancellation is received it should be accepted if the data content is correct).
8.2 If the correction or cancellation is registered, or altered or accepted by the Flag state FMC the report should be marked by using the FM (FMC marking) data element in the header fields set out in Appendix 5.
8.3 If a report has been cancelled using the formats specified in Annex I, a new report must be sent by the Master of a vessel within the time limits given under points 5.2 -5.11.
9 Testing
9.1 The AUD report as described in Annex I shall be used to test equipment and communication between the vessel, the Flag state FMC and the Coastal State FMC. If there are indications of transmission failure between the FMCs of the Parties, the AUD report has to be used to verify the connection between the FMCs of the Parties. The RET message is issued for each AUD.
10 Fallback procedures
10.1 Equipment failure on board vessel and/or transmission failure between vessel and its Flag state FMC
10.1.1. The Flag state FMC shall notify the Coastal state FMC about problems influencing the data exchange with a vessel and confirm that appropriate action has been taken to correct the problem.
10.1.2. In case of electronic recording equipment malfunction on board the vessel or transmission failure between the vessel and its FMC the Master shall report the problem to the Flag state FMC and send the required reports described in Annex I of this Agreed Record by alternative communication means.
10.1.3. The Flag state FMC shall register the information and forward the required report to the Coastal state FMC with high priority, but the normal time limits may not be met. The reports should be marked by using the FM (FMC marking) data element (FM=M) in the header fields set out in Appendix 5.
10.1.4. When the electronic recording equipment is restored, the Master shall register the missing information and send the required reports as described in Annex I. The Flag state FMC will push the information to the Coastal state FMC without delay. The reports should be marked by using the FM (FMC marking) data element (FM=D) in the header fields set out in Appendix 5.
10.1.5. When the communication between the vessel and its FMC is restored the Flag state FMC shall push the received reports without delay to the Costal state FMC.
10.1.6. The Parties shall cooperate in establishing more detailed rules and methods on how to deal with such situations to secure complete ERS data and to avoid duplication.
10.2 Data transmission or system failures at one of the Parties
10.2.1. When a Party cannot send or receive electronic reports, it shall as soon as possible contact the other Party's FMC to inform about the problem and cooperate on solving it.
10.2.2. On request of the Coastal state FMC, data could as soon as possible be forwarded by some other agreed electronic means (secured FTP, e-mailed zip file, etc.).
10.2.3. The Coastal state FMC shall inform their Coast Guard or patrol vessels about data transmission system failures between the Parties or system failures at one of the Parties.
10.2.4. Once the system comes back to an operational mode, the missing messages (even when these have been sent to the Coastal state FMC by other means) will be sent to the other Party in the agreed digital format (Annex I and point 7 above). In such cases the reports should be marked by using the FM (FMC marking) data element (FM=D) in the header fields set out in Appendix 5.
10.2.5. Contacts and backup contacts (if different from those in Annex П) should be established for a certain period of time, including full contact details in case of contact failure between the Parties.
10.3 Maintenance at one of the FMCs
10.3.1. Planned maintenance operations that may affect data exchange must be notified to the FMC of other Party no later than 72 hours in advance. The date, time and duration of the maintenance operations should be specified.
10.3.2. During maintenance, transmission operations may be put on hold until the system is back online. Once the system is back online, all held data should be transmitted immediately in the agreed digital format (Annex I and point 7 above).
10.3.3. Maintenance periods should be kept as short as possible.
10.3.4. During maintenance periods the fallback procedures (10.1 and 10.2) shall apply.
Deputy representative of |
V.I. Sokolov |
Representative of |
A. |
Annex I
Description of data and data format used in communication between FMCs
Header data elements
Data Element: |
Code: |
Mandatory / Optional |
Remarks: |
Header fields provided by the FMC when forwarding the report. | |||
From |
FR |
M |
the transmitting Party Alpha-3 ISO country code |
Record number |
RN |
M |
Format as defined in point 7.1 in this agreed record |
Record date |
RD |
M |
UTC date of transmission from the FMC (YYYYMMDD) |
Record time |
RT |
M |
UTC time of transmission from the FMC (HHMM) |
Previous record number |
RX |
M*(1) |
In case of a correction or cancellation, this field value will be the previous record number which shall be corrected or cancelled as defined in point 7.1 of this agreed record |
FMC marking |
FM |
M*(2) |
FMC marking as defined in Appendix 5 |
Header fields provided by the Master and forwarded by the FMC | |||
Address |
AD |
M |
Destination code (RUS or NOR) |
Radio Call sign |
RC |
M |
International radio call sign of the vessel |
External Registration Number |
XR |
O |
The side number of the vessel for Russian vessels. The identification for Norwegian vessels should only be the RC |
Date |
DA |
M |
UTC date of transmission from the vessel (YYYYMMDD) |
Time |
TI |
M |
UTC time of transmission from the vessel (HHMM) |
Name of Master |
MA |
M |
Name of master |
Sequence number |
SQ |
M*(3) |
Serial number of the report from the vessel to the coastal state in the relevant year |
Type of Message |
TM |
M |
3 letter code message type |
*(1) Mandatory if a correction or cancellation to a previous message. Limitations for correcting or cancelling reports are listed in point 8
*(2) Mandatory only if the report has been forwarded manually or generated by the FMC.
*(3) Optional if AUD report
Departure from port report - DEP
Format used in communication between FMCs
Data Element: |
Code: |
Mandatory / Optional |
Remarks: |
Header fields provided by the FMC when forwarding the report. | |||
Header fields provided by the Master and forwarded by the FMC | |||
Type of Message |
TM |
M |
message type, "DEP" |
Elements below are specific for this report type, prepared by the Master and forwarded by the FMC | |||
Port |
PO |
M |
Code of port (ISO aIpha-2 country code + 3 letter port code) based on the UN/LOCODE (the United Nations code for Trade and Transport Locations) http://www.unece.org/cefact/codesfortrade/codes index.htm |
Departure Date |
ZD |
M |
UTC date of the departure from port (YYYYMMDD) |
Departure Time |
ZT |
M |
UTC time of the departure from port (HHMM) |
Catch onboard |
OB |
M |
Quantity of species onboard when departing, in pairs as needed, FAO species code (SN) Live weight in kilograms (WT) |
Vessel activity |
AC |
M |
Predicted anticipated vessel activity as defined in the 'Main vessel activity' code set in Appendix 2 |
Catch on entry report - СОЕ
Format used in communication between FMCs
Data Element: |
Code: |
Mandatory / Optional |
Remarks: |
Header fields provided by the FMC when forwarding the report. | |||
Header fields provided by the Master and forwarded by the FMC | |||
Type of Message |
TM |
M |
message type, "СОЕ" |
Elements below are specific for this report type, prepared by the Master and forwarded by the FMC | |||
Quantity On Board species live weight |
OB |
M |
quantity by species on board, in pairs as needed, FAO species code (SN) Live weight in kilograms (WT) |
Predicted latitude |
LT |
M |
estimated latitude where the Master intends to commence fishing in decimal format (WGS84) |
Predicted longitude |
LG |
M |
estimated longitude where the Master intends to commence fishing in decimal format (WGS84) |
Crossing latitude |
ZA |
M*(4) |
estimated latitude where the Master intends to cross the REZ border in decimal format (WGS84) |
Crossing longitude |
ZG |
M*(4) |
estimated longitude where the Master intends to cross the REZ border in decimal format (WGS84) |
Predicted date |
PD |
M |
estimated date UTC when the Master intends to commence fishing (YYYYMMDD) |
Predicted time |
PT |
M |
estimated time UTC when the Master intends to commence fishing (HHMM) |
Crossing date |
ZD |
M*(4) |
estimated date UTC when the Master intends to cross the REZ border (YYYYMMDD) |
Crossing time |
ZT |
M*(4) |
estimated time UTC when the Master intends to cross the REZ border (HHMM) |
Directed species |
DS |
M*(5) |
Planned directed species FAO species code (only one) |
*(4) Mandatory for Norwegian vessels intending to cross the REZ border
*(5) Mandatory only when starting to fish in Norwegian waters
Detailed Catch Activity Report - DCA
With possibilities to report on each fishing operation
Format used in communication between FMCs
Data Element: |
Code: |
Mandatory / Optional |
Remarks: |
Block A |
This part has data for one day |
Header fields provided by the FMC when forwarding the report. | |||
Header fields provided by the Master and forwarded by the FMC | |||
Type of Message |
TM |
M |
Message type, "DCA" |
Elements below are specific for this report type, prepared by the Master and forwarded by the FMC | |||
Activity |
AC |
M |
Activity of the fishing vessel (codes see appendix 2). REL shall be used by vessels that are pumping catch from another vessel gear. SET shall be used by vessels fishing with gillnets or long lines and are only setting the gear. Block В is not mandatory if the activity is ANC, DRI, STE, SET, INW or SEF. |
Partner vessel |
PA |
M*(6) |
The radio call sign of the partner fishing vessel if fishing in pair with another vessel |
| |||
Block В |
This part will be one for each fishing operation |
Block Date |
BD |
M |
Date for start of fishing operation (YYYYMMDD) in UTC |
Block time |
ВТ |
M |
Time for start of fishing operation (HHMM) in UTC |
Start Latitude |
LT |
M |
Latitude for start of fishing operation, decimal degrees (WGS84) |
Start Longitude |
LG |
M |
Longitude for start of fishing operation, decimal degrees (WGS84) |
Start Zone |
ZO |
M |
Zone of (LT /LG) as described in Appendix 6. |
Gear specification |
GS |
M*(7) |
1 = single trawl 2 = twin trawl 3 = triple trawl 4 = more than a triple trawl |
Fishing gear |
GE |
M |
FAO gear code |
Gear problems |
GP |
M*(8) |
1 = empty set 2 = net burst 3 = split 4 = broken meshes in the cod end (tear in cod end) 5 = lost gear 6 = other |
End Latitude |
XT |
M |
Latitude for end of fishing operation, decimal degrees (WGS84) |
End Longitude |
XG |
M |
Longitude for end of fishing operation, decimal degrees (WGS84) |
Duration |
DU |
M |
Duration of the fishing operation in minutes |
Pumping from |
TF |
M*(9) |
Radio call sign of the vessel that is pumped from |
Fishing operation (quantity of deployed gear) |
FO |
M*(10) |
Total number of hooks, total length of gillnets deployed. |
Stock specification |
SS |
M*(11) |
Stock codes as listed in appendix 3. Ex NOR01 |
Catch species live weight |
CA |
M |
Total quantity by species from this fishing operation (including undersized catch), in pairs as needed, FAO species code (SN), Live weight in kilogram (WT). |
*(6) Mandatory if fishing in pair with another vessel
*(7) Mandatory only when trawling
*(8) Mandatory only if there are problems
*(9) Mandatory only if pumping from another vessels gear
*(10) Mandatory only for long line, or gillnets
*(11) Mandatory only if the data element AC is FIS and the catch (CA) contains any of the stocks listed in appendix 3
Catch on exit report (COX)
Format used in communication between FMCs
Data Element: |
Code: |
Mandatory / Optional |
Remarks: |
Header fields provided by the FMC when forwarding the report. | |||
Header fields provided by the Master and forwarded by the FMC | |||
Type of Message |
TM |
M |
Message type, "COX" |
Elements below are specific for this report type, prepared by the Master and forwarded by the FMC | |||
Crossing latitude |
ZA |
M*(12) |
estimated latitude where the Master intends to cross the REZ border in decimal format (WGS84) |
Crossing longitude |
ZG |
M*(12) |
estimated longitude where the Master intends to cross the REZ border in decimal format (WGS84) |
Crossing date |
ZD |
M*(12) |
estimated date UTC when the Master intends to cross the REZ border (YYYYMMDD) |
Crossing time |
ZT |
M*(12) |
estimated time UTC when the Master intends to cross the REZ border (HHMM) |
Port |
PO |
O |
Port of landing (ISO alpha-2 country code + 3 letter port code) based on the UN/LOCODE (the United Nations code for Trade and Transport Locations) http://vvvvw.unece.org/cefact/codesfortrade/codes index.htm |
Quantity On Board species live weight |
OB |
M |
quantity by species on board, in pairs as needed, FAO species code (SN) Live weight in kilograms (WT) |
*(12) Mandatory for Norwegian vessels intending to cross the REZ border
Control point/area report (CON)
Format used in communication between FMCs
Data Element: |
Code: |
Mandatory / Optional |
Remarks: |
Header fields provided by the FMC when forwarding the report. | |||
Header fields provided by the Master and forwarded by the FMC | |||
Type of Message |
TM |
M |
Message type, "CON" |
Elements below are specific for this report type, prepared by the Master and forwarded by the FMC | |||
Control point/area |
CP |
M |
Code of Control point/area (see Appendix 4) |
Latitude |
LT |
M*(13) |
estimated control area latitude in decimal format (WGS84) |
Longitude |
LG |
M*(14) |
estimated control area longitude in decimal format (WGS84) |
Predicted date |
PD |
M |
date UTC when the Master intends to arrive at the control point/area (YYYYMMDD) |
Predicted time |
PT |
M |
time UTC when the Master intends to arrive at the control point/area (HHMM) |
*(13) Mandatory if the element CP is a control area
*(14) Mandatory if the element CP is a control area
Port report (POR)
Format used in communication between FMCs
Data Element: |
Code: |
Mandatory / Optional |
Remarks: |
Header fields provided by the FMC when forwarding the report. | |||
Header fields provided by the Master and forwarded by the FMC | |||
Type of Message |
TM |
M |
Message type, "POR" |
Elements below are specific for this report type, prepared by the Master and forwarded by the FMC | |||
Quantity On Board species live weight |
OB |
M |
Quantity by species on board before landing, in pairs as needed, FAO species code (SN) Live weight in kilograms (WT) |
Quantity to be landed species live weight |
KG |
M |
Quantity by species to be landed in pairs as needed (including undersized catch), FAO species code (SN) Live weight in kilograms (WT) |
Port |
PO |
M |
Name of port (ISO alpha-2 country code + 3 letter port code) based on the UN/LOCODE (the United Nations code for Trade and Transport Locations) http://www.unece.org/cefact/codesfortrade/codes index.htm |
Landsite |
LS |
M*(15) |
Name of buyer or other specifications describing exactly where in the Port the landing will take place, given in free text (max 100 characters) |
Predicted date |
PD |
M |
estimated date UTC for coming to port (YYYYMMDD) |
Predicted time |
PT |
M |
estimated time UTC for coming to port (HHMM) |
*(15) Mandatory if landing in Norway
Transhipment report (TRA)
Format used in communication between FMCs
Data Element: |
Code: |
Mandatory / Optional |
Remarks: |
Header fields provided by the FMC when forwarding the report. | |||
Header fields provided by the Master and forwarded by the FMC | |||
Type of Message |
TM |
M |
Message type, "TRA" |
Elements below are specific for this report type, prepared by the Master and forwarded by the FMC | |||
Quantity On Board species live weight |
OB |
M |
Quantity by species on board before the transhipment, in pairs as needed, FAO species code (SN) Live weight in kilograms (WT) |
Quantity on-loaded or to be off-loaded species live weight |
KG |
M |
Quantity by species on-loaded or to be off-loaded within waters under the jurisdiction of coastal state, in pairs as needed (included undersized catch), FAO species code (SN) Live weight in kilograms (WT) |
Latitude |
LT |
M*(16) |
estimated latitude for the transhipment in decimal format (WGS84) |
Longitude |
LG |
M*(17) |
estimated longitude for the transhipment in decimal format (WGS84) |
Predicted date |
PD |
M*(18) |
estimated date UTC for the transhipment (YYYYMMDD) |
Predicted time |
PT |
M*(19) |
estimated time UTC for the transhipment (HHMM) |
Transhipped To |
TT |
M*(20) |
International radio call sign of the receiving vessel |
Transhipped From |
TF |
M*(21) |
International radio call sign of the donor vessel |
Port |
PO |
M*(22) |
Name of port (ISO alpha-2 country code + 3 letter port code) where the transhipment will take place based on the UN/LOCODE (the United Nations code for Trade and Transport Locations) http://www.unece.ore/cefact/codesfortrade/codes index.htm |
*(16) Optional for reports sent by the receiving vessel after the transhipment
*(17) Optional for reports sent by the receiving vessel after the transhipment
*(18) Optional for reports sent by the receiving vessel after the transhipment
*(19) Optional for reports sent by the receiving vessel after the transhipment
*(20) Whichever one is appropriate, all vessels taking part in the transhipment operation have to send TRA report.
*(21) Whichever one is appropriate, all vessels taking part in the transhipment operation have to send TRA report.
*(22) Mandatory for the donor vessel if the transhipment occurs at Port; in this case fields LT, LG are optional
Audit report used for testing - AUD
Format used in communication between FMCs
Data Element: |
Code: |
Mandatory / Optional |
Remarks: |
Header fields provided by the FMC when forwarding the report. | |||
Header fields provided by the Master and forwarded by the FMC | |||
Type of Message |
TM |
M |
message type, "AUD" |
Elements below are specific for this report type, prepared by the Master and forwarded by the FMC | |||
Free text |
MS |
M23 |
Free text string (Max.255 characters) |
Return message format used between FMCs (RET)
Data Element |
Field Code |
Mandatory/ Optional |
Remarks |
Address |
AD |
M |
Destination Party Alpha-3 ISO country code |
From |
FR |
M |
Alpha-3 ISO country code of the Party sending the return message |
Radio Call sign |
RC |
M |
International radio call sign of the vessel, copied from the report which is received |
Sequence number |
SQ |
M*(24) |
Serial number of the report from the vessel in the relevant year, copied from the report which is received |
Type of Message |
TM |
M |
Message type "RET" for return message |
Return Status |
RS |
M |
Code showing whether the message is acknowledged or not (ACK or NAK) |
Return error code |
RE |
O |
Number showing the type of error see appendix 1 |
Previous record number |
RX |
M*(25) |
Previous record number copied from the report which is received |
Record Number |
RN |
M |
Record number copied from the report which is received |
Date |
DA |
M |
UTC date of transmission of the RET message (YYYYMMDD) |
Time |
TI |
M |
UTC time of transmission of the RET message (HHMM) |
Comment |
MS |
M*(26) |
Optional free text (Max.255 characters) |
FMC marking |
FM |
M*(27) |
FMC marking as defined in Appendix 5 |
*(23) Note that a FMC has no obligation to check this element unless this has been specially agreed before sending the report.
*(24) Mandatory only if SQ is given in the report from the vessel
*(25) Mandatory only if RX is given in the report received
*(26) Mandatory only if RS is given as N AK
*(27) Mandatory only if FM is given in the report received
Appendix 1
Return codes
The return codes shall be further elaborated when the process in NEAFC is finalized. The following codes shall be used during the ERS Pilot Project
Error code |
Cause |
Not acknowledged Further investigation is needed |
Acknowledged with warning |
100 |
100 |
Unspecified error (the RS field will indicate whether the report has been acknowledged or not acknowledged) |
101 |
Message unreadable |
102 |
Data value or size is wrong |
104 |
Mandatory data missing |
106 |
Unauthorised data source |
151 |
Date forward in time |
152 |
Data is too old. |
301 |
DCA prior to СОЕ |
302 |
TRA received before СОЕ |
303 |
COX received before СОЕ |
501 |
No matching report to cancel/correct |
502 |
This report is a duplicate and has got the status Not Acknowledged (NAK), because this was the status given when received earlier. |
503 |
This report is a duplicate and has got the status Acknowledged (ACK) because that was the status given when received earlier. |
506 |
The record number is received earlier, but the report differs and is not sent as a correction or cancellation. |
512 |
The previous report is corrected |
513 |
The previous report cannot be corrected due to error |
522 |
The previous report is cancelled |
523 |
The previous report cannot be cancelled due to error |
530 |
Not implemented (for example, a test report is received , but an advanced test system is not implemented, or a query was received, but the PULL mechanism is not yet implemented) |
The RE coded with numbers less than 500 except 100 and 152 are from the NEAFC system. The list of RE codes may increase during the implementation period.
Appendix 2
Main vessel activities
Code |
Definition |
Anchoring |
Drifting |
Fishing |
Guard ship |
Hauling |
Processing |
Catch relocation |
Scientific research |
Setting gear |
Cruising/Steaming |
Transhipping |
Inactivity due to weather conditions |
Searching for fish when no fishing gear is used |
Other |
Appendix 3
List of stock codes used in the SS field in the DCA report
Stock code |
Norwegian species code |
Name English |
Name Scientific |
NOR01 |
061101 |
Norwegian spring spawning (Atlantic scandio) herring |
Clupea harengus |
NOR02 |
061104 |
North Sea herring |
Clupea harengus |
The Delegations agreed to use international harmonised stock codes when available.
Appendix 4
List of Norwegian Control points/areas
Name of Control point |
Code |
A |
В |
С |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
Name of Control area |
Code |
Area 1 |
1 |
Area 2 |
2 |
Area 3 |
3 |
List of Russian Control points
Name of Control point |
Code |
Sever - 1 |
S |
Sever - 2 |
N |
Appendix 5
FMC marking (FM)
Code (one letter) |
Description |
D |
Reports sent delayed and without changes from the FMC. |
С |
Reports corrected or cancelled by the FMC. |
M |
Reports manually registered by the FMC. |
Appendix 6
ISO-3 country code and extensions according to ISO standard
Zone |
ISO-3 country code |
Russian zone |
Icelandic zone |
Norwegian Economic Zone |
Fisheries Protection Zone around Svalbard |
Fisheries zone around Jan Mayen |
Skagerrak |
EU |
Greenland zone |
Faroese zone |
NEAFC Regulatory Area |
NAFO Regulatory Area |
CCAMLR Regulatory Area |
Annex II
FMC Contact points in Russia and Norway
<< Приложение 16. Промысловый журнал |
Содержание Приказ Федерального агентства по рыболовству от 21 ноября 2012 г. N 939 "О мерах по выполнению решений 42-й сессии Смешанной... |
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