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Приложение А
наиболее распространенных помологических сортов яблок с характеристиками окраски и шероховатого побурения
А.1 Перечень наиболее распространенных помологических сортов яблок с характеристиками окраски и шероховатого побурения приведен в таблице А.1.
Таблица А.1
Наименование помологического сорта |
Наименование гибрида |
Синонимы |
Торговые названия |
Группа окраски |
Наличие шероховатого побурения |
African Red |
Aidared |
- |
African Carmine_ |
В |
- |
В | |||||
Akane |
- |
Tohoku 3, Primerouge |
- |
В |
Alborz Seedling |
- |
С |
Aldas |
В |
Alice |
B |
Alkmene |
Early Windsor |
С |
Alro |
- |
В |
Alwa |
В |
Amasya |
В |
Angold |
Antei |
С |
Antej |
В |
Apollo |
Beauty of Blackmoor |
С |
Arkcharm |
Arkansas No 18, A 18 |
С |
Arlet |
- |
В |
R |
Aroma |
С |
- |
Mutants of Aroma, e.g. |
С |
Amorosa |
С |
Auksis |
- |
В |
Beacon |
А |
Belfort |
Pella |
В |
Belle de Boskoop |
- |
R |
Mutants of Belle de Boskoop, e.g |
R |
Boskoop rouge |
Red Boskoop Roter Boskoop |
R |
Belle fleur double |
- |
- |
Belorrusskoje Malinovoje |
Belorusskoe Malinovoe, Byelorusskoe Malinovoe |
В |
Berlepsch |
Freiherr von Berlepsch |
С |
Mutants of Berlepsch, e. g. |
- |
C |
- |
Berlepsch rouge |
Red Berlepsch, Roter Berlepsch |
С |
Blushed Golden |
- |
Bogatir |
Bogatyr |
Bohemia |
- |
B |
Braebum |
B |
Mutants of Braebum, e.g. |
B |
Hidala |
Hillwell |
B |
Joburn |
Aurora_, Red Braebum_, Southern Rose_ |
B |
Lochbuie Red Braebum |
B |
Mahana Red |
Redfield |
B |
Mariri Red |
Eve_, Red Braeburn_, Southern Rose_ |
B |
Redfield Red |
Braeburn_, Southern Rose_ |
B |
Royal Braebum |
- |
B |
Bramley's Seedling |
- |
Bramley, Triomphe de Kiel |
- |
Brettacher Samling |
- |
Calvilles, Groupe des | |||||
Cardinal |
B |
Carola |
Kalco |
C |
Caudle |
- |
Cameo_ Camela_ |
B |
Charden |
- |
- |
Charles Ross |
- |
- |
Civni |
Rubens |
B |
Coop 38 |
Goldrush |
- |
Coromandel Red |
Corodel A |
- |
А |
Cortland |
B |
Cox's Orange Pippin |
Cox orange |
С |
R |
Mutants of Cox's Orange Pippin, e.g. |
- |
С |
R |
Cherry Cox |
С |
R |
Crimson Bramley |
- |
- |
Cripps Pink |
Pink Lady |
С |
Mutants of Cripps Pink, e.g. |
- |
- |
С |
- |
Pink Rose |
Pink Kiss |
С |
Rosy Glow |
Pink Lady |
С |
Ruby Pink |
С |
Cripps Red |
- |
Sundowner_ |
С* |
Dalinbel |
Antares |
В |
R |
Delblush |
Tentation |
- |
Delcorf |
Delbarestivale |
С |
Mutants of Delcorf, e.g. |
Ambassy |
С |
Dalili |
- |
С |
Monidel |
- |
С |
Delgollune |
- |
Delbard Jubile |
В |
Delicious ordinaire |
Ordinary Delicious |
В |
Deljeni |
- |
Primgold |
Delikates |
- |
В |
Delor |
С |
Discovery |
С |
Doc Melbi |
Doch Melbi |
С |
Dunn's Seedling |
- |
R |
Dykmahns Zoet |
С |
Egrernont Russet |
R |
Elan |
- |
Elise |
Red Delight |
Roblos |
А |
Ellison's orange |
Ellison |
- |
С |
Elstar |
- |
С |
Mutants of Elstar, e.g. |
С |
Bel-El |
- |
Red Elswout_ |
С |
Daliest |
Elista_ |
С |
Daliter |
Elton_ |
С |
Elsbof |
- |
С |
Elstar Armhold |
С |
Elstar Reinhardt |
С |
Goedhof |
Elnica_ |
С |
Red Elstar |
- |
С |
Valstar |
C |
Empire |
С |
Falstaff |
C |
Fiesta |
Red Pippin |
C |
Florina |
- |
- |
Querina |
В |
- |
Forele |
- |
В |
R |
Fortune |
- |
Fuji |
В |
Mutants of Fuji, e.g. |
В |
Fuji Brak |
Kiku |
В |
Gala |
- |
С |
Mutants of Gala, e.g. |
С |
Annaglo |
С |
Baigent |
Brookfield |
С |
Galaxy |
С |
Mitchgla |
Mondial Gala |
С |
Obrogala |
- |
С |
Regala |
С |
Regal Prince |
С |
Royal Beaut |
С |
Tenroy |
Royal Gala |
С |
Garcia |
- |
- |
Gloster |
В |
Goldbohemia |
- |
Golden | |||||
Delicious | |||||
Mutants of Golden Delicious |
Golden Russet |
- |
R |
Goldstar |
- |
Granny Smith | |||||
Gradigold |
Golden Supreme_, Golden Extreme_ |
Gravensteiner |
Gravenstein |
- |
Mutants of Gravensteiner, e.g. |
- |
Gravenstein rouge | |||||
- |
Red Gravenstein, Roter Gravensteiner |
Greensleeves |
Holsteiner Cox |
Holstein |
R |
Mutants of Holsteiner Cox, e.g. |
R |
Holstein rouge |
Red Holstein, Roter Holsteiner Cox |
R |
Honeycrisp |
- |
- |
Honeycrunch |
С |
- |
Honey gold |
- |
- |
Horneburger | |||||
Howgate | |||||
Wonder |
Manga |
Idared |
- |
В |
ledzenu |
В |
llga |
В |
Ingrid Marie |
В |
R |
Iron |
Demir Apple |
С |
- |
Isbranica |
Izbranica |
- |
С |
Jacob Fisher |
- |
Jacques Lebel |
С |
Jamba |
James Grieve |
Mutants of James Grieve, e.g. |
James Grieve rouge |
Red James Grieve |
Jarka |
- |
- |
С |
Jerseymac |
В |
Jester |
Jonagold |
С |
Mutants of Jonagold, e.g. |
С |
Crowngold |
С |
Daligo |
С |
Daliguy |
Jonasty |
Dalijean |
Jonamel |
С |
Decosta |
С |
Jomar |
Marnica |
С |
Jomured |
Van de Poel |
С |
Jonabel |
- |
- |
С |
Jonabres |
- |
С |
Jonagold Boerekamp |
Early Queen |
С |
Jonagold 2000 |
Excel |
С |
Jonagored Supra |
- |
С |
Jonayeld |
First Red |
С |
King Jonagold |
- |
С |
New Jonagold |
Fukushima |
С |
Novajo |
Veulemanns |
С |
Primo |
- |
С |
Red Jonaprince |
- |
Wilton's Red Prince |
С |
Romagold |
Surkijn |
- |
С |
- |
Rubinstar |
С |
Schneica |
Jonica |
С |
Wilmuta |
- |
С |
Jonalord |
- |
С |
Jonathan |
В |
Julia |
В |
Jupiter |
Karmijn de Sonnaville |
С |
R |
Katja |
Katy |
В |
Kent |
- |
R |
Kidd's Orange Red |
С |
R |
Kim |
В |
- |
Koit |
С |
Koricnoje Novoje |
Korichnoe Novoe, Korichnevoe Novoe |
С |
Kovalenkovskoje |
- |
В |
Krameri Tuvioun |
В |
Kukikovskoje |
В |
Lady Williams |
В |
Lane's Prince Albert |
Laxton's Superb |
С |
R |
Ligol |
В |
- |
Lobo |
В |
Lodel |
А |
Lord Lambourne |
С |
Maigold |
В |
Mclntosh |
В |
Meelis |
В |
Melba |
С |
Melodie |
В |
Meridian |
С |
Moonglo |
С |
Melrose |
С |
Morgenduft |
Imperatore |
В |
Mountain Cove |
Ginger Gold_ |
Mutsu |
Crispin |
- |
Noris |
- |
В |
Normanda |
С |
Nueva Eurorja |
С |
Nueva Orleans |
- |
- |
- |
В |
- |
Odin |
В |
Ontario |
В |
Orlik |
В |
Orlovskoje polosatoje |
С |
Ozark Gold |
Paula Red |
В |
Pero de Cirio |
Piglos |
В |
Pikant |
В |
Pikkolo |
С |
Pilot |
С |
Pimona |
С |
Pinova |
Corail |
С |
Pirella |
Pirol |
В |
Piros |
- |
С |
Prima |
- |
В |
Rafzubin |
Rubinette |
С |
Mutants of Rafzubin, e.g. |
С |
Rafzubex |
Rubinette |
С |
Rajka |
- |
- |
В |
Rambour d'hiver |
Rambour Franc |
В |
Reanda |
В |
Rebella |
С |
Red Delicious |
Mutants of Red Delicious, e.g. |
А |
Camspur |
Red Chief |
А |
Erovan |
Early Red One |
А |
Fortuna Delicious |
- |
А |
Otago |
А |
Red King |
А |
Red Spur |
А |
Red York |
А |
Richared |
А |
Royal Red |
А |
Shotwell Delicious |
А |
Stark Delicious |
А |
Starking |
А |
Starkrimson |
- |
- |
A |
- |
Starkspur |
A |
Topred |
Oregon Spur Delicious |
A |
Well Spur |
- |
A |
Red Dougherty |
- |
A |
Redkroft |
A |
Regal |
A |
Regina |
В |
Reglindis |
С |
Reine des Reinettes |
Gold Parmone, Goldparmane |
С |
Reineta Encarnada |
В |
Reinette Blanche du Canada |
Reinette du Canada, Canada Blanc, Kanadarenette |
R |
Reinette de France |
- |
- |
Reinette de Landsberg | |||||
Reinette d'Orleans | |||||
Reinette Grise du Canada |
Graue Kanadarenette |
R |
Reinette Rouge du Canada |
- |
В |
- |
Relinda |
С |
Remo |
В |
Renet Simirenko |
R |
Renora |
В |
- |
Resi |
В |
Resista |
Retina |
В |
Rewena |
В |
Roja de Benejama |
Verruga, Roja del Valle, Clavelina |
А |
Rome Beauty |
Belle de Rome, Rome |
В |
Mutants of Rome Beauty, e.g. |
- |
В |
Red Rome |
В |
Rosana |
- |
В |
Rubin (Czech cultivar) |
С |
Rubin (Kazakhstan cultivar) |
В |
Rubinola |
В |
Rudens Svitrainais |
- |
Osennee Polosatoe, Rudeninis Dryzuotasis, Rudens Svitrotais, Streifling, Streifling Herbst, Sugisjoonik |
- |
С |
- |
Syysjuovikas and numerous others |
- |
Saltanat |
- |
В |
Sciearly |
Pacific Beauty_ |
A |
Scifresh |
Jazz_ |
В |
Sciglo |
Southern Snap_ |
A |
Sciray |
GS48 |
A |
Scired |
- |
Pacific Queen_ |
A |
R |
Sciros |
Pacific Rose_ |
A |
- |
Selena |
- |
В |
Shampion |
В |
Sidrunkollane Talioun |
- |
Sinap Orlovskij | |||||
Snygold |
Earlygold |
Sommerregent |
- |
С |
Spartan |
A |
Splendour |
A |
St. Edmunds Pippin |
R |
Starks's Earliest |
С |
- |
Staris |
Staris |
A |
Sturmer Pippin |
- |
R |
Sugisdessert |
С |
- |
Summerred |
В |
Sunrise |
A |
Sunset |
R |
Suntan |
R |
Sweet Caroline |
С |
- |
Talvenauding |
В |
R |
Tellisaare |
В |
- |
Tiina |
Tina |
С |
Topaz |
- |
В |
Tydeman's: Early Worcester |
Tydeman's Early |
В |
* He более 20% для первого сорта. |
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