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Приложение N 9
к Положению об официальном бюллетене
"Изобретения. Полезные модели"
Наименования полей библиографических данных на английском языке (по стандарту ВОИС ST.9)
Название/значение на английском языке |
Примечание |
(15) Correction information |
(21)(22) Application |
(22) Date of filing |
(23) Date of filing the supplementary materials of the earlier submitted application |
(24) Effective date for property rights |
Priority(ies) |
блок "Приоритет(ы)" Priority(ies): (see at the end of claims) |
(30) Convention priority |
(62) Number and date of filing of the initial application, from which the given application is allocated |
Number and date of priority of the initial application, from which the given application is allocated |
(66) Number and date of filing of the earlier submitted application |
(43) Application published |
(45) Date of publication |
Date of registration |
(48) Corrigendum issued on |
(51) Int. CI. |
(52) CPC |
(57) Abstract |
(68) Number of the basic patent |
(71) Applicant(s) |
(72) Inventor(s) |
(73) Proprietor(s) |
(74) Representative |
(85) Commencement of national phase |
(86) PCT application |
(87) PCT publication |
(92) Number and date of the first national authorization to place the product on the market as a medicinal product or plant protection product |
(94) Calculated date of expiry of the additional patent |
(96) Eurasian application |
(97) Eurasian publication |
(98) Date concerning the application for an extension of the duration |
Mail address |
According to Art. 1366, par. 1 of the Part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the patent holder shall be committed to conclude a contract on alienation of the patent under the terms, corresponding to common practice, with any citizen of the Russian Federation or Russian legal entity who first declared such a willingness and notified this to the patent holder and the Federal Executive Authority for Intellectual Property. |
Сведения о поданном в соответствии с пунктом 1 статьи 1366 Гражданского кодекса заявлении об обязательстве заключить договор об отчуждении патента |
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