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Алфавитный указатель терминов на английском языке
air heating area |
alternative energy sources |
binary cycle geothermal power plant |
biobutanol production |
biodiesel fuel production |
bioenergetics |
bioenergy |
bioethanol and derivatives production |
biofuel |
biogas from solid domestic waste polygons |
biomass gasification |
biomass liquefaction |
burning fumes updraft tower station |
capability (potential) of the renewable energy source |
capacity of polygon |
capacity of wind motor |
coefficient of performance |
coke gas |
colliery gas |
condenser |
contour hinged float |
cooling water updraft tower station |
direct cycle geothermal power plant |
"diver duck" machine |
economical potential of the renewable energy source |
electrochemical generator |
electrolyzer |
energy carrier (material) |
evaporator |
first-generation biofuel |
fuel element |
gas collecting station |
geothermal energy |
geothermal energy sources |
geothermal heating |
geothermal outflow resource |
geothermal power engineering |
geothermal power plant |
geothermal updraft tower station |
gross potential of the renewable energy source |
heat pump |
HP |
hydraulic energy |
hydroaggregate |
hydroelectric power plant |
hydrogen |
hydrogen facilities and systems |
hydrogen filling station |
hydrogen power engineering |
hydropower engineering |
hydropower plant |
landfill gas |
landfill gas emission |
landfill gas extraction and utilization |
landfill mass |
liquid hydrogen facilities and systems |
liquid hydrogen storage |
low grade thermal energy |
cadastre of low grade thermal energy |
potential of low grade thermal energy |
machine with confuser slope |
macrocomponents of landfill gas |
methanogenesis |
methanol and derivatives synthesis |
macrocomponents of landfill gas |
native energy carrier (material) |
nature of the renewable energy source |
non-renewable energy sources |
ocean heat energy converter |
ocean heat power plant |
onboard hydrogen storage system |
peat |
pellets |
petrogeothermal power engineering |
photovoltaic solar power engineering |
pneumatic wave machine |
pyrolysis |
rapid (fast) pyrolysis |
renewable energy engineering (production) |
renewable energy sources |
second-generation biofuel |
secondary energy resources |
shale gas |
small hydroelectric power plant |
small hydropower engineering |
small hydropower engineering potential |
solar cell |
solar collector |
solar energy |
solar energy concentrator |
solar-fuel power plant |
solar heat power engineering |
solar photovoltaic cell |
solar power engineering |
solar power plant |
solar UTPS |
solid domestic waste |
syngas |
technical potential of small hydropower engineering |
technical potential of the renewable energy source |
thermochemical hydrogen generator |
third-generation biofuel |
tidal energy |
tidal power engineering |
total potential of small hydropower engineering |
traditional hydropower engineering |
waste water |
waste water energy |
wave energy |
wave power engineering |
wind cadaster |
wind electrical plant |
wind electrical power station |
wind energy |
wind mechanical plant |
wind motor |
wind potency |
wind power engineering |
wind power plant |
wind thermal plant |
WM |
underground circular system |
updraft tower |
updraft tower power station |
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