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Term of Agreement
1. A Competent Authority must provide, at the time of signature of this Agreement or as soon as possible after its Jurisdiction has the necessary laws in place to implement the Common Reporting Standard, a notification to the Co-ordinating Body Secretariat:
a) that its Jurisdiction has the necessary laws in place to implement the Common Reporting Standard and specifying the relevant effective dates with respect to Preexisting Accounts, New Accounts, and the application or completion of the reporting and due diligence procedures;
b) confirming whether the Jurisdiction is to be listed in Annex A;
c) specifying one or more methods for data transmission including encryption (Annex B);
d) specifying safeguards, if any, for the protection of personal data (Annex C);
e) that it has in place adequate measures to ensure the required confidentiality and data safeguards standards are met and attaching the completed confidentiality and data safeguard questionnaire, to be included in Annex D; and
f) a list of the Jurisdictions of the Competent Authorities with respect to which it intends to have this Agreement in effect, following national legislative procedures (if any).
Competent Authorities must notify the Co-ordinating Body Secretariat, promptly, of any subsequent change to be made to the above-mentioned Annexes.
2.1. This Agreement will come into effect between two Competent Authorities on the later of the following dates: (i) the date on which the second of the two Competent Authorities has provided notification to the Co-ordinating Body Secretariat under paragraph 1, including listing the other Competent Authority's Jurisdiction pursuant to subparagraph 1(f), and, if applicable, (ii) the date on which the Convention has entered into force and is in effect for both Jurisdictions.
2.2. The Co-ordinating Body Secretariat will maintain a list that will be published on the OECD website of the Competent Authorities that have signed the Agreement and between which Competent Authorities this is an Agreement in effect (Annex E).
2.3. The Co-ordinating Body Secretariat will publish on the OECD website the information provided by Competent Authorities pursuant to subparagraphs 1(a) and (b). The information provided pursuant to subparagraphs 1(c) through (f) will be made available to other signatories upon request in writing to the Co-ordinating Body Secretariat.
3. A Competent Authority may suspend the exchange of information under this Agreement by giving notice in writing to another Competent Authority that it has determined that there is or has been significant non-compliance by the second-mentioned Competent Authority with this Agreement. Such suspension will have immediate effect. For the purposes of this paragraph, significant non-compliance includes, but is not limited to, non-compliance with the confidentiality and data safeguard provisions of this Agreement and the Convention, a failure by the Competent Authority to provide timely or adequate information as required under this Agreement or defining the status of Entities or accounts as Non-Reporting Financial Institutions and Excluded Accounts in a manner that frustrates the purposes of the Common Reporting Standard.
4. A Competent Authority may terminate its participation in this Agreement, or with respect to a particular Competent Authority, by giving notice of termination in writing to the Co- ordinating Body Secretariat. Such termination will become effective on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of 12 months after the date of the notice of termination. In the event of termination, all information previously received under this Agreement will remain confidential and subject to the terms of the Convention.
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