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Приложение I
Рекомендуемый список литературы
I.1 Введение
В настоящем приложении приведен расширенный список литературы, в котором представлена наиболее важная доступная литература в данной области. Не ожидается, что ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛИ настоящего стандарта прочитают все эти публикации, однако они включены, т.к. они полезны для тех, кто работает в данной области. Книги, отмеченные звездочкой (*), считаются более полезными для прочтения в качестве вводных для новичков в данной области.
I.2 Общие темы при проектировании с учетом человеческого фактора
BEYER, Н. & HOLTZBLATT, K. (1998) Contextual Design - Defining Customer-Centered Systems. Morgan Kauffamann
CARROLL, J.M. (1995). Scenario-Based Design: Envisioning Work and Technology in System Development. New York: John Wiley and Sons. A collection of papers on the nature of use-oriented design representations (i.e., scenarios) and the contributions they can make in development of usable computer applications and systems
DRURY, С.G., PRABHU, P., and GRAMOPADHYE, A. (1990). Task analysis of aircraft inspection activities: Methods and findings. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 34th. Annual Meeting. Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, pp. 1131 - 1185
FLEISHMAN, E.A., and QUAINTANCE, M.K. (1994). Taxonomies of human performance: The description of human tasks. Orlando: Academic Press
HACKOS, J.T. & REDISH, J.С. (1993) User and Task Analysis for Interface Design. John Wiley & Sons, Inc
* HORTON, W.K. (1994). Designing and Writing Online Documentation: Helpfiles to Hypertext. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. A primer on online documentation, including the question as to whether documentation should or should not be online, and a style guide for effective human-computer dialogs if online documentation proves to be appropriate
JONASSEN, D.L., HANNUM, W.H. and TESSMER, M. (1999). Handbook of Task Analysis Procedures, Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group
KLEIN, G.A., ORASANU, J., CALDERWOOD, R., and ZSAMBOK, С.Е. (1993). Decision Making in Action: Models and Methods. Norwood. New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corp
LAUGHERY, K.R. Sr., and LAUGHERY, K.R. Jr. (1987). Analytic techniques for function analysis. In G. Salvendy (Ed.), Handbook of Human Factors. New York: Wiley, pp. 330 - 354. This chapter reviews analytic techniques such as flow analysis, time-line analysis, and network analysis, which are used to understand and model complex systems. It focuses on Interactions among system components including people and the flow of materials or information
MEISTER, D. (1985). Behavioral Analysis and Measurement Methods. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Provides descriptions and critical analyses of pragmatic approaches to behavioral analysis in the design of human-machine systems and of measurement systems in the evaluation of prototype and fieided human-machine systems
* NORMAN, D. (1983). The Design of Everyday Things. New York: Basic Books. Provides numerous examples of the frustrations associated with the operation of everyday things, offering user-centered design as a remedy to the poor designs that are the source of the problem
ROUSE, W.B. (1980). Systems Engineering Models of Human-Machine Interaction. New York: North Holland. Basic tutorials on mathematical models used by human factors engineering to describe human-machine interaction. Models discussed include estimation theory, control theory, queueing theory, fuzzy set theory, production systems, pattern recognition, and Markov chains
ROUSE, W.B. (1991). Design for Success: A human-centered approach to designing successful products and systems. New York: Wiley-lnterscience. Provides a comprehensive methodological framework for human-centered design of products and systems that covers the entire product life cycle
SALVENDY, G. (Ed.) (1997). Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics: Second Edition. New York: John Wiley and Sons. A comprehensive compilation of papers covering theoretical and practical issues of a wide range of human factors topics, including from the fundamentals of human factors, job design, environmental design, performance modeling, system evaluation, and human-computer interaction
* SANDERS, M.S. and McCORMICK, E.J. (1993). Human Factors in Engineering and Design: Seventh Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill. A basic human factors text providing integrative summaries of the systems perspective, human factors research methodologies, aspects of the interfaces between humans and the system of which they are a part (e.g., displays, controls, anthropometric considerations, and environmental factors), and various applications of human factors
SCHULER, D. and NAMIOKA, A. (1993) Participatory Design: Principles and Practices. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Describes methods such as model building that involve users directly in the design process
SHARIT, J. (1997). Allocation of functions. In G. Salvendy (Ed.), Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics [2nd edition], (pp. 301 - 339). New York: Wiley. This chapter examines the assignment of system functions to human and machine agents. It summarizes a number of analytic techniques, noting the relationship between static and dynamic function allocation for each
SINCLAIR, M.A. (1990). Subjective assessment. In J.R. Wilson and E.N. Corlett (Eds.), Evaluation of human work. London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 58-88
* WICKENS, С. (1992). Engineering psychology and human performance (2nd Ed.). Columbus, Ohio: Harper Collins Publishers. A basic human factors text that summarizes a wide range of topics from theoretical psychology and human factors research
WIENER, E.L., and Nagel, D.С. (Eds.). (1988). Human factors in aviation. San Diego: Academic Press WOODSON, W.E., Tilman, В., & Tilman, P. (1992). Human factors design handbook: information and guidelines for the design of systems, facilities, medical device, and products for human use. (2nd edition). New York: McGraw Hill. An application-oriented guide to human factors design (organized by system domains such as architecture, transportation, space and Industrial) that provides recommendations and guidelines for designers
I.3 Человеческая ошибка
CASEY, S.E. (1993). Set Phasers on Stun (and other true tales of design, technology, and human error). San Barbara, CA: Aegean Publishing Company. A compilation of stories about system failures that result from incompatibilities between the way things are designed and the way people actually perceive, think, and act
* REASON, J. (1990). Human Error. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. Offers theoretical ground for a systems approach to human error and relates the theory to practical issues, system failures, and reducing the human error risk
REASON, J. (1997). Managing the Risks of Organizational Accidents. Hampshire: England: Ashgate. A systems approach to the assessment and control of risk, system defences, error management, and safety
ROUSE, W.B. (1990). Designing for human error: Concepts for error tolerant systems. In H.R. Booher (Ed.), MANPRINT: An approach to system integration. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. Rouse discusses an error classification scheme developed through the analysis of error data from several large-scale industries and, in turn, the use of this scheme to design and incorporate error-tolerant mechanisms in the associated systems
SWAIN, A.D., and GUTTMANN, H.E. (1983). Handbook of Human Reliability Analysis with Emphasis on Nuclear Power Plant Applications (NUREG/CR-1273). Washington. DC: Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Presents technique for predicting human error probabilities in connection with medical device functioning, operational procedures, and other factors that shape human performance
KOHN, L.T., CORRIGAN, J.M., DONALDSON, M.S. (2000). To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. This book summarizes the work of a committee sponsored by the Institute of Medicine (part of National Research Council) to investigate medical errors and suggest solutions, it provides broad and, occasionally, controversial guidance, including many specific suggestions about nationwide reporting systems and additional accountability measures. It contains many useful references and discussions about errors related to medical device design and the role of the FDA
I.4 Взаимодействие компьютера и человека
BROWN, C.M., (1989). Human-Computer Interface Design Guidelines. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Company. Practical guidelines and rules of thumb to aid software designers in developing user-oriented human-computer interfaces
CONSTANTINE, L.L. and LOCKWOOD, L.A.D. Software for Use: A Practical Guide to the Models and Methods of Usage-Centered Design. ACM Press: New York, NY, 1999. Guides the reader through a structured user interface design process and also provides concrete advice on window layout, menu design, user assistance, icons, and controls
COOKE, N.J. Varieties of knowledge elicitation techniques. Int'l J Human-Computer Studies. 1994:41, pp. 801 - 849
DIX, A., FINLAY J., ABOWD, G., and BEALE, R. (1993) Human-Computer Interaction. New York: Prentice-Hall. Provides detailed information about humans abilities, computer's abilities, and the different ways that they can interact, includes multimedia and web information
ELLIS, S.R.t BEGAULT, D.R., and WENZEL, E.M. (1997). Virtual environments as human-computer interfaces. In M.G. Helander, Т.K. Landauer, and P.V. Prabhu (Eds.), Handbook of human-computer interaction. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 163 - 201
HELANDER, M.G., LANDAUER, Т.K., and PRABHU, P.V., Eds. (1997). Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction (2nd ed). Amsterdam: North-Holland. Summarizes HCI research and provides recommendations that can be generalized across all domains and for all applications
HOLTZBLATT, K., and JONES, S. (1993). Contextual inquiry: Principles and practice. In D. Schulerand A. Namioka (Eds.), Participatory Design: Principles and Practice. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum
JACKO, J.A. and SEARS, A. (Eds.). (2002): Handbook of Human Computer Interaction in Interactive Systems. Mahwah: NJ: L. Erlbaum
PREECE, J., ROGERS, Y., SHARP, H., BENYON, D. (1994) Human-Computer Interaction. New York: Addison-Wesley. Provides an introduction into HCI, covers the human aspects, the technology aspects, interaction design, design methods, how to support the design, and evaluation methods
* SHNEIDERMAN, В. (1998). Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human Computer Interaction (third edition). Reading, MA: Addison Wesley Longman. Information and practical applications for both practitioners as well as researchers. Includes information about multimedia and World Wide Web design
* BIAS, R., and MAYHEW, D. (1994). Cost Justifying Usability. Cambridge, MA: Academic Press. Edited chapters covering topics related to the financial costs of the usability engineering process and justifying those costs
* DUMAS, J., and REDISH. J.C. (1999). A Practical Guide to Usability Testing Revised Edition. Intellect Books: Norwood, NJ. Explains the methods of usability engineering and reviews many techniques for assessing and assuring usability throughout the development process. Presents all the steps in planning and conducting a usability test, analyzing data, and using the results to improve both products and services
KIRWAN, B. and AINSWORTH, L.K. (1992) A Guide to Task Analysis. London, UK: Taylor & Francis. Provides a compendium of task analysis techniques and detailed case studies. Techniques described in this book include: charting and network analysis, decomposition, hierarchical task analysis, link analysis, operational sequence diagrams, and time-line analysis
MAYHEW, D. The Usability Engineering Lifecycle: A Practitioner's Handbook for User Interface Design. Morgan Kaufmann: San Francisco, CA, 1999. This is a detailed blueprint of the USABILITY ENGINEERING life cycle and contains a wealth of practical advice. Each chapter discusses usability engineering tasks, roles, resources, levels of effort, short cuts (quick and dirty techniques to use when a rigorous approach isn't possible), web notes, and sample work products and templates
* NIELSEN, J. (1993). Usability engineering. San Diego: Academic Press, Inc. An introduction to usability engineering that contains a description of the usability engineering lifecycle, as well as various usability assessment and testing methods, pp. 155, 296
RUBIN, J. (1994). Handbook of Usability Testing: How to Plan. Design, and Conduct Effective Tests. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Presents a step-by-step approach to usability testing in an industrial production environment
WIKLUND, M.E. (Ed.). (1994). Usability in practice - how companies develop user-friendly products. Cambridge, MA: - Academic Press. A guide to the human factors design of user-centered products. This edited book examines how 17 different companies are ensuring usability in the design of their products
I.6 Человеческий фактор в медицине
ALLAN, E. and BARKER, K. (1990). Fundamentals of medication error research. Am. J. of Hosp. Pharm. 47: 555-571. A review of the types of human errors found with medication and methods of error detection
BERGEUR, R. (1999). Surgery and Ergonomics: Arch. Surg. 134: 1011 - 1016. This paper considers the ergonomic issues associated with the performance of surgery, including the design and use of surgical instruments
BOGNER, M.S. (Ed.). (1994). Human Error in Medicine. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. A compilation of papers, authored by leading authorities on the analysis of human error, that cover theoretical and practical issues of human error in medicine
BOGNER, M.S. (Ed.). (2003): Misadventures in Health Care: Inside Stories
BOGNER, M.S.: Human Error in Health Care: A Handbook of Issues and Indications. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (in Press)
BOTNEY, R. and GABA, D.M. (1995). Human factors issues in monitoring. In: Blitt. CD and Hines, RL. editors. Monitoring In Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine. 3rd edition. Churchill Livingstone: New York, NY. pp. 23 - 54. A general discussion of information processing in monitoring, and basic design principles and HF considerations for displays, controls, and alarms
BRIDGER, R.S., & POUTA, M.A. (1993): Ergonomics: Introducing the human factor into the clinical setting. Journal of Clinical Engineering May/June, 180 - 188. A general discussion of the Issues involved and the importance of applying human factors engineering to the clinical setting
BROWN, D. (1996). The challenges of user-based design in a medical device market. In D. Wixon and Ramey (Eds.), Field Methods Casebook for Software Design. New York: Wiley pp. 157 - 176. Case study of field research methods applied to user-centered design of medical device
CARAYON, P. (Ed) Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare and Patient Safety, Lawrence Erlbaum (in press, 2006)
CUMMINS, R.O., CHESEMORE, K., WHITE, R.D., and the FDA Defibrillator Working Group. (1990). Defibrillator failures: Causes and problems and recommendations for improvement. Journal of the American Medical Association. 264(8). 1019 - 1025. Discusses a cooperative effort between health care and industry professionals to alert defibrillator users of likely errors and describes the development of a pre-use checklist related to defibrillator readiness and maintenance
HENRIKSEN, K., KAYE, R.D., JONES, R., MORISSEAU, D.S., and SERIG, D.I. (1995). Human factors evaluation of teletherapy. (NUREG/CR-6277, Volumes 1-5) Washington, D.C.: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Describes a systematic evaluation of the system for teletherapy identifies human factors problems In teletherapy (i.e., tasks that humans within the teletherapy system are not likely to perform to the level required by that system), and identifies and evaluates approaches for addressing those problems
GABA, D.М. (1994). Human work environment and simulators. In R.D. Miller (Ed.), Anesthesia (Fourth Edition). New York: Churchill Livingstone, pp. 2635 - 2680. An overview of performance shaping factors in anesthesia care and of the use of realistic clinical simulators for testing of critical care medical devices
GOPHER, D., OLIN, M., BADIHI, Y., COHEN, G., DONCHIN. Y., BIESKI, M., and COTEV, S. (1989). The nature and causes of human errors in a medical intensive care unit. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 33rd Annual Meeting (pp. 956 - 960). Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors Society. Describes the results of a two-year study conducted in a respiratory intensive care unit, in which errors were recorded and analyzed
GOSBEE, J.W. (1997). The discovery phase of medical device design: A blend of intuition, creativity, and science. Medical Device & Diagnostic Industry, Vol. 19, pp. 79 - S2. Using human factors methods in the early stages of device development enables designers to meet the needs of end-users
GOSBEE, J.W., and Ritchie, E.M. (1997). Human-Computer Interaction and Medical Software Development. Interactions. Vol. 4, no. 4, New York: ACM Press pp. 13 - 1S. Describes and gives examples of the unique methods, resources, and considerations for doing human factors engineering in a medical setting
GURUSHANTHAIAH, K.; WEINGER. M.В., and ENGLUND, С.Е. (1995). Visual display format affects the ability of anesthesiologists to detect acute physiological changes. Anesthesiology 83: 1184 - 1193. Describes a scientific laboratory based approach to the evaluation of a clinical display. Demonstrates the importance of studying actual users (e.g., anesthesiologists) who yielded different results than educated non-clinicians
JOHNSON, С. Ed. (1999). Proceedings of the First Workshop in Human Error and Clinical Systems (HECS 99) (Glasgow Accident Analysis Group Technical Report G99-1). Glasgow, Scotland: Department of Computer Science, University of Glasgow. Proceedings of a conference held April 15 - 17, 1999. Includes papers on medical incident reporting, diagnosis and treatment support tools, medical risk analysis, and human error in the medical workplace
LEAPE, L.L. BRENNAN, T.A., LAIRD, N., LAWTHERS, A.G., LOCALIO, A.R., BARNES, B.A., HERBERT, L, NEWHOUSE, J.P., WEILER, P.C., and HIATT, H. (1991). The nature of adverse events in hospitalized PATIENTS: Results of the Harvard Medical Practice Study II. New England Journal of Medicine, 324 (6): 377 - 331. This study looks in detail at the incidence of hospital-based medication errors
LE COCQ, D. (1937). Application of human factors engineering in medical product design. Journal of Clinical Engineering, 12 (4): 271 - 277. Description of the HFE design process utilizing applications to a family of infusion devices to illustrate the methodologies
LOEB, R., WEINGER, M.В., and ENGLUND, С.E. (1993). Ergonomics of the anesthesia workspace. EHRENWERTH, J. and EISENKRAFT, J.В., editors. Anesthesia Medical device: Principles and Applications. Mosby Year Book, Malvern, PA. pp. 385 - 404. A general review of HFE issues in the anesthesia work domain
VOORHORST, F., OVERBEEKE, C., and SMETS, G. (1998). Spatial perception during laparoscopy: implementing action-perception coupling. In Proceedings of Medicine Meets VR-5, San Diego, CA, Jan. 22 - 25, 379 - 386. A summary of some of the HFE issues associated with laparoscopic instruments
WEBSTER, J.G., (Ed.) (1997). Design of Pulse Oximeters. Institute of Physics Publishing, Philadelphia, PA. Describes the equations, methods, hardware, and software needed to make a pulse oximeter, which provides early information on problems with the delivery of oxygen to tissue
WEINGER, M.В., HERNDON, O.W., and GABA, D.M. (1997). The effect of electronic record keeping and transesophageal echocardiography on task distribution, workload, and vigilance during cardiac anesthesia. Anesthesiology 87:144-155. Describes the use of objective HFE techniques (including time-motion analysis, workload analysis, and secondary task probing) to study in the actual work domain the effects of the introduction of new medical technologies on users' clinical performance
* WIKLUND, M.E. (1995). Medical device and medical device design: Usability Engineering and Ergonomics. Englewood, Colorado: Interpharm Press Inc. Practical guidance on how to incorporate human factors engineering principles into the design of medical devices and medical device, including the software, hardware, and paper-based components. It also serves as a primer on an assortment of design and evaluation techniques, such as task analysis, user interface design, rapid prototyping, and usability
* WIKLUND, M.E. and WILCOX, S.B. (2005) (Eds) Designing Usability into Medical Products, CRC Press WRIGHT, J.G., McGEER, A.J., CHYATTE, D., RANSOHOFF, D.F. (1991). Mechanisms of glove tears and sharp injuries among surgical personnel. Journal of the American Medical Association, 266, 1668 - 1671. Describes the ways in which glove tears and sharp injuries occur as a prelude to design improvements
I.7 Международные публикации
Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation. (1993). Human factors engineering guidelines and preferred practices for the design of medical devices. ANSI/AAM HE 48-1993. Arlington, VA: AAMI. This is the previous version of the current AAMI HFE 48:2000. The information is still relevant but has been expanded in the current version
American National Standards Institute. (1988). American National Standard for human factors engineering of visual display terminal workstations. ANSI/HFS 100-1938. New York: ANS The ANSI version of the first nine parts of ISO 9241, this standard provides ergonomic guidance and requirements for the design of video display terminals, including visual displays, keyboards and other input devices, and workstation/computing environments
International Organization for Standardization. (1996). Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals (VDTs) - Parts 10 - 17. ISO 9241 series. Geneva, Switzerland. This standard provides detailed user interface design guidance for office systems software. The individual parts cover dialogue boxes, form filling, menus, command, and direct manipulation dialogues, presentation of information, and user guidance
National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. (1996) Laboratory instruments and data management systems: Design of software user interfaces and user software systems validation, operation, and monitoring. NCCLS GP-19-P. Vlllanova, PA: NCCLS. Describes software design principles that will facilitate the safe, efficient use of clinical laboratory diagnostic medical device
U.S. Department of Defense. (1996). Department of Defense design criteria standard. MIL-STD-1472F. Washington, D.C.: DOD. A general guidelines document pertinent to systems design of military systems, although not directly applicable to medical systems
U.S. Department of Defense. (1998). Human engineering design guidelines. MIL-HDBK-759C. Washington, D.C.: DOD. A handbook covering the general area of human factors. As in MIL-STD-1472F, this is a handbook, designed to provide guidelines, not standards
U.S. Department of Defense. (1998). Human engineering program processes and procedures, MIL-HDBK-46S55A. Washington D.C.: DOD. A general guideline on human engineering program processes and procedures
BACKINGER, C., and KINGSLEY, P. (1993). Write it right: Recommendations for developing user instruction manuals for medical devices used in home health care, (HHS Pub. FDA 93-4258). Rockville, MD.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration. A brief document that provides FDA recommendations for writing instruction manuals for home-use medical devices
KAY, R. and CROWLEY, J. (2000). Medical Device Use - Safety: Incorporating Human Factors Engineering into Risk Management. Washington. D.C.: U.S. Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration. A guidance document that describes the human factors process in the risk management context and makes recommendations for relevant materials for inclusion in pre-market submissions
SAWYER, D. (1996). Do It By Design: An Introduction to Human Factors in Medical Devices. Washington DC: U.S. Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration. A primer that discusses user interface problems, design rules-of-thumb, and human factors process in medical devices based upon the experiences of the FDA staff
ISO 13407:1999, Human-centred design processes for interactive systems
ISO 13529:2000, Ergonomics - Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Human-centred lifecycle process descriptions
I.8 Интернет-ресурсы
U.S. Food and Drug Administration - http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/humanfactors
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society - http://www.hfes.org
Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction - http://www.acm.org/sigchi
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